Thursday, September 24, 2009
Im supposed to be doing some revision now.
But because of the throbbing headache im experiencing currently,
i've decided to give myself some breather so that i can continue later on. ;}
Just managed to finish studying Globalisation.
Lucky for me, i studied real hard during MYE, that's why the concept is still embedded in my brain and i wouldnt need to put in too much effort to memorise it all over again.
Saves me all the agony of being stuck on my bed all day and trying to cram everything into my damned head.
Maybe im just giving myself too much stress until i can feel headache almost every single day..
A few weeks back was ok, i wonder why im like that now..
Must be the stress, i guess..
Or it might just be because of the demoralizing marks..
Im not giving up so easily. :D
Even if i am destined to fail Olevel, i still pass my Chinese ! SO TO HELL WITH IT ! ^^
I still remember what mum told me during Primary school when i realized just how much i hated maths.
不要去畏懼它,勇敢地去面對,必然會成功。 就算沒成功,也就算是命運的安排吧。
LOLs, she was supposed to encourage me to face maths bravely.
But apparently, my brain didnt have to moral courage to face it in the 6 years.
The good thing is that my current standard should be able to get a pass, at the very least.. ;D
Just worried about my sciences.
Think about science my head throbbing again.. -.="
Someday, really someday,
im going to ask dad to buy me a specialized coffee maker for myself, just like the one aunt had. :D
FYI : That one can make Cappucino yourself leh ! Swee bo ? xD
I think what i lack must be sleep.
So im giving myself tons of sleep tomorrow. :D
But heaven knows whether i'll be waking up at 8am in the morning on Saturday again or not. -.=
I'll face it. :]
Whether im destined to study well or not is up to my Guan Yin Pu Sa ! :D
Maybe if she see that im such a guaikia, then she let me pass my Olevels also can leh~
Im supposed to be feeling down now because of the damn results..
Stupid optimism, make me wake up from my nap feeling all better and revived. -.-"
Plus McDonalds just had to come at this hour ! x.x
Ok lah, must be strong ! ;D
At least, i've got a brain, i can think, i can study, i can do maths, i can do normal and ordinary things like everyone else.
Im better than others, one way or another.
If not, i'll just clean the toilet lor ~ :]
我是打不死的小強!想打倒我?回家睡覺啦. 欺負我?門都沒有,別説窗口.
HAHAA, at least my life wasnt in vain because i live it in happiness.
I forget sadness in the blink of an eye.
I dont let it get over me and i never will. :D
Currently im not in the mood to blog about what happened today since it just makes me all too emo.
The only thing i must say is that i apologise for looking so stern to people like XiuYi because she told me that i scared her off with my strict look.
Actually i was thinking about things lah, then never smile jiu fierce le lor. :P
& sorry to Fiona + LiXuan because i threw a temper at them even when they helped me solve Physics questions..
That's all ! :)
Shall go do some Chem TYS already.
Focused too much on Phy liao.
Bio will do it this weekend.
Shall start on some EMaths TYS.
AMaths.. Homework given on weekend. :D
I <3 Maths. LOLs.
I must love maths.. Just have to..
That's all for today.
Will be updating soon because im those who has to play even when exams are coming in a month's time. xDD
Fullstop !~
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