Sunday, October 4, 2009
Have been super productive these 2 days ! :D
Successfully finished AMaths, EMaths, Chem and Geog.
Now im just left with Phy to fight with. :]
Reached home at about 11pm just now.
Went out with Aunty because she'll be leaving for Taiwan this coming Thursday and who knows when she would be coming back.
& she's bringing her daughter with her too.
Byes RuiEn. :}
Btw, her daughter's name is the same as RuiEn the actress, just that she has a surname. ;]
Met her for the first time since eons ago.
She's like, super hyper and cheerful.
Always smiling. :D
I guess that's what makes children so innocent and naive and pure.
Hope she continues to be cheerful in the future. ^^
Didnt take a picture of her because she was super hyper the whole time, i had difficulties making her stand still. =.=
& i didnt know that WinnieThePooh was known as TOILET BEAR. -.="
Impressive uh. -.-a
Went to Iluma to find my shoes, though i wasnt keeping up much hope since i found nothing to my liking during the previous trip with Rach.
So to my surprise, i really did find a pair of shoes which i found was totally unique and worth it. :D
So i bought it without second thoughts. =.=||
Intended to buy a pair of sandals as well because my slippers were practically, torn and tattered.
But since i couldnt find nicer ones than those i found at Bata, im going to continue searching. ;DD
Super dead when i reached home.
Finished chem minutes ago.
Surprisingly, i can do mole questions now.
Why couldnt i just understand it 1 year ago ? Dammit. =.=
Some people just makes me feel super annoyed.
Im not sure if im having a super big moodswing now, but yes, i still feel that they're very irresponsible and do not think in the shoes of the others.
Ok, i know that you're upset because you've like.. Lost the "love of your life" sort of person, but is there a need for you to whine almost everytime you see someone that has YET to listen to your stories ?
Im not trying to say that you're wrong or anything.
But please, if you look from the views of an outsider, you will realise that you're just being retarded by repeating continuously your life stories.
Even if others do not complain about being your listening ear, doesnt mean that they give you the permission to talk to them about your ever-so-loving-and-now-dead love.
Can you please, think more maturely by seeing the truth that,
If it did, then you must have been the creator of it.
So if you're not, then spare a thought for others.
Im not going to be a coward by not saying anything and hide my real emotions underneath when im so fed up behind your back.
I'd rather tell you in your face than to be gossiping when you turn your head.
So get this message clear :
I do not wish to hear another single thing about your stories and please do not harass others who i may/may not know with your already-over matters.
I believe they would appreciate your efforts as well. :]
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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