Monday, September 14, 2009
First day of school..
Was 'interesting' -.-"
Almost couldnt wake up today, thanks to the credit for sleeping at 2am the previous day. :/
Still the first one to reach school.
Had Chinese during first lesson.
Since i didnt retake, i wasnt even listening ! :D
Went to sit with Fiona because i had some questions i needed to clarify.
But i think i made her more confused in the process as well. :x
Later, our entire row became sitted in twos again ! :DD
HAHA, see, this is because of us siaa ~
Our credit. :P
Had Geog later.
He marked REALLY leniently because i have definitely no idea how i managed to pass my Geography without studying Development the day before, but only merely reading through.
Imagine i could get A1 just like that. -.=
Now you know how lenient he had marked. :/
Paid $0.45 just for the answer. -.=||
*Heng got 5cents siol ! xDD
English was HENGHENG DE LORR ! xD
Wasnt anxious about my results originally, but that stupid Fiona kept praying beside me, then made me feel eager and depressed also. -.-a
Lucky lor, summary got pass ! :D
She didnt return the other papers because she said she wasnt the marker for those scripts..
So i'll be expecting to be superly dead tomorrow. =.=
Recess was rushy ~
But then since mine did not have the ingredients anymore, went to buy 6 nuggets instead ! :))
It was piping hot leh ! Just from the fryer. xD
Got back EMaths results.
Was what i expected.. Not good. -.=
Really did a lot of careless mistakes in P2, causing me to lose that damned 2 marks before i hit A2. -.-!!
Whatever, should just work harder.
Rach got A1 for the first time, i think ? O-O She was duper happy, yah, happy for her as well.
But so jealous ! DD:
Bio was after that.
Ok, so i guess almost everyone knows about my 'plan' to just leave out bio and concentrate on Chem and Physics.
Apparently, this stupid paper made me PASS when i DIDNT STUDY AT ALL.
So im just trying to say that,
i should not study for exams in the future.
The ironically retarded thing was that,
i always failed when i studied, but now, when i didnt study, i passed ! -.=
Sian de lor.
Just when im all ready to give it up,
it had to give me hope at the very last minute ! ZZZ !
& does MsNg have to say such weird things ? -.-
Tell me,
how am i even supposed to make miracles for her when i only got a C5 for my Bio ? -.=?!
She still had to make it worst by saying it out loud and shouting across the class. @.@
Make miracles.. I would try if our SPA wasnt screwed up in the first place..
Or maybe not. :3
Got back Phy,
was super sucky,
worst than Chem unexpectedly. :x
It's the first time in my life that i got so low. xD
Never mind, it's not too late ! I shall work harder. :D
Was crapping with Fiona, Natalie, XueLi and Ethel.
BTW, ETHEL OWES ME A DRINK ! :D Im going to remember that ! :x
So all in all,
the grade of my sciences totaled up together,
is 22.
HAHA, yes, 22. No typo error. -.-
I guess there goes my whatever-scholarship thingy. xD
Ok, end here.
Wasted 2hrs sleeping, 1hr tv-ing, and im going to work doubly hard now. :x
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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