Thursday, August 6, 2009
Today is such a suay day.
Erm, for me,
my definition of suayness would cover,
1. Being trapped in a lift, early in the morning with a headache and an upcoming maths mock exam
2. Getting caught by the freaking old woman when others werent.
3. PE exhausting my energy.
See how pathetic i start my day ?
Sometimes i wonder why things have to be so imperfect.
Like, why cant things try to turn out as i planned, than going worst ?
Supposedly, i wanted to brace myself for the exam and all these started crashing down, ruining all my preparations.
& im back to square one.. -.=
Phy, copy, copy, and copy..
PE, had Captains Ball.
Wasnt that fun. D:
Werent with the others, i guess.
We lost again. HAHA, but it's ok lah.
It's just a game anyways. ^^
But i seriously cant stand some people's bad attitude.
Shant elaborate on what happen..
Angeline was our leader. :D
It's the first time she's being assigned to be one, so i dont think she did that badly when leading us luh. ^^v
Because after all,
we DID score 3 balls. :P
It doesnt matter if we lose, we were outnumbered anyway.
Plus the other team was on total advantage with all those members.
Me, LiXuan and XiuYi were screaming like mad each time we scored.
LOLs !
Ok, might seem a little siao, but excited ma. xD
So, my brain cells died at a faster rate after PE. -.-
Then saw
They were at the Quadrangle, but why werent other classes affected ?!
WHY US ?! D:
At first we couldnt recognise that they were bees, and they said it was houseflies. =.="
Until some flew in and started much disturbance during SS and Chem. :/
MsTan was saying that we exaggerate it too much and getting all scared when the bees flew towards us.
Erhh, that's called a reflex action lor !
Imagine seeing something that has a pointy tail that can sting you and cause much problems, wouldnt you run as far away as possible ? :x
The guys were also shunning from the bees lah, actually. xD
So, the entire class was in chaos. x.x
The bees migrated to the back of the class, between the class and the ArtCorner. =.=
It's the same, isnt it ?
Afterwards, i gave up running away from the bees because i ran out of energy to spend looking at the bees and dodging it. -.=a
SS, she cancelled the test, but there was a paper to do. :/
She briefed us on what we would be doing tomorrow.
I still prefer sitting in class and doing our own things lor !
It's better than spending 1 hr listening to her whole bunch of craps which i dont think anyone is interested in.
But breakfast is provided ! :D
So there's one advantage. At least.
VE, had ASEAN ppt slides.
Coincidentally, we had already studied Deterrence & Diplomacy, so we understood when ASEAN was established, and all sorts.
English was...Nothing ?
She let us off early so that we could prepare for the mock exam.
She's nice lah. :D Whenever we have an important test/exam after her lesson, she would give us extra time to revise. ^^v
Went to eat.
Then had mock exam liao.
I wouldnt say it's easy nor difficult because i could do some questions, but i feel that most of my answers are plain weird. -.=
No confidence at all. ;]
At the end of the exam,
everyone was heaving a sigh of relief because it was super damn hot in class.
& mind you, im sitting directly under the fan !
This comes to show how stuffy it was in class.
We were practically sweating while we were taking the exam.
To make it worse,
we were sticky from PE,
we were stiff from bending our heads,
and our legs were sweating as well !
Wth lah.
We were laughing at the retardedness of the condition we did our exam under.
I can still clearly remember that i got so damn pekchek, i almost forgot that we were having a test,
and almost almost stood up to draw the stupid curve. -.=
Then the next second, i remembered what situation i was under,
so i sat down again and i created a loud noise on the chair.
XueLi acknowledged this fact. ;)
Walked to busstop with Fiona, Rach, Joshua and William.
Crapped home with Rach, as usual..
Then this ends the day i had in school.
Call it interesting. -.-
Im totally brain dead now.
Proof ?
I went to fill my waterbottle + cup.
And i drank from my cup after refilling my bottle.
And i wanted to cap my waterbottle.
In the end, my cap went into the cup's and fell inside it.
Im dead.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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