Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Walamak !
I tossed and turned in bed yesterday night.
Must be the anxiety from the Chem SPA.
Yeaps, Chem SPA was sucky.
Dont really want to talk about it.
That Brandon still say till so confident, make my confidence waver and now look what happened !
Or maybe not. :/
Fine, so i went to school.
After alighting from the bus, saw Fiona walking to school with her super orange bag. xDD
Took me 九牛二虎之力 to carry a heavy bag + chase after her + slap her on the back.
LOLs ! xD
She really no guts one lor. :x
So easily scared. No wonder Joshua likes to disiao her. HAHA ! ._.
Then walked to school together, and saw Karen when we approached school gate.
Her eyes were super small lah !
& she was supposed to meet up with XueLi to go Cybrary and do some elearning together.
In the end, XueLi was late, and she was tired, plus Cybrary was closed the entire day.
Yeaps, so she was sort of hurling vulgarities. xDD
Not those bad ones, but yah, those pissed ones.
Was wondering where to assemble when we saw Joshua at the stairs.
Went up to classroom and when walking past the class, everyone looked out !
O-O OMGG >.<||
Why do they have to look out luh ?!
Damn paiseh sia.
I mean, actually it wasnt THAT paiseh, until we walked to the back door and saw MrsGruber in class, and walked back to the front door to open the door, only to realise that it was locked, and headed back to the back door.
So we actually attracted 2X the attention !
Ok fine, then sat inside, damn tired.
Karen's eyes were still small. xD
Then had Phy remedial.
He was damn lame lor.
Say what, give the people who had LOA a break and then they said the canteen was closed, so what for have a break.
Then he replied,
break 爽.
LOLs ! -.=
Lamester sia.
Went to ChongBoon with Natalie, ChaoNgin, Angel, PeiYee and Fiona.
Ate ChickyRice ! x)
We were quite mean, because we saw the guys walking to the minimart and realised that it would be closed until 11am.
LOLs, but we didnt tell them. Because they couldnt hear Natalie's shouts. So we decided to let them take a bet with fate. :D
& it was retarded when we reached ChongBoon because we were sitting in McDonalds' and that GCN said to bring our bags there to study. -.-
But in the end, it was all just a suggestion.
Reached school, they were having maths lesson with MsFoo.
Did our own revision and listened to music.
Listened to the same FM and we were practically laughing like siao because the DJs said things which were quite disturbing, but in a hilarious way. xD
So, because the others were having lessons, we tried to tone down our volume but we were giggling like mad luh.
Then after Bio lesson for the LOAs, they went to have a break.
I doodled on the whiteboard for Fiona and ChaoNgin. :D
Fiona's one i drew it like a ball rolling and the captions were,
1) Fiona was a happy ball.
2) One day, she rolled..
3) & rolled..
4) & flew away ! :D
5) Unfortunately, she burst and remained only a string.
LOOOLs ! x.x
ChaoNgin's was something like,
she lived in a right-angle triangle and continued to live happily ever after.
Totally random lah. -.-
So we continued to crap and revise abit of Chem SPA with Natalie and Fiona.
Then until when Brandon came back with a pack of biscuits and asked if we wanted to eat.
LOLs, fine i said yes. :3
Then when i took the packet out from the plastic bag,
i said,
Erh, 爲什麽有咖啡的味道?
LOLs ! Ok, then i still went to smell the biscuits and see if it had coffee smell when it wasnt made of coffee. -.=
Then ChaoNgin who was sitting on the same chair,
& then we began to laugh like siao again.
Ok lor, take it as im being blur for once. :B
I knew i was crazy that time because Fiona told me i laugh until my ears went red.
Later, went down to have SPA.
As i said, i shall skip that part.
Bus-ed with Rach,
then in the bus, we crapped,
and she said,
The aircon so far, must stand up. :/
* Edit : We edited a song and the lyrics are retarded. It would be better if i didnt post it here. :D
Reach home, download Elearning.
And i think my comp is becoming laggy by the minute because it hang there for, who knows, how many minutes !
So pekchek lor ! -.=
Went to sleep.
Had tuition.
At least to me. :/
& im off to watch tv now. ^^v
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