Monday, August 3, 2009
Just going to blog awhile before heading off to study for EMaths. :]
Because i dont really have much time, i shall just concentrate on the most distinct things that happened today. :D
We didnt do much thing during lesson.
In Chinese, he told us to read the damned chinese book. :/
But we werent interested because we were busy doing the psychology test by Angel. ^^
Ok, so it goes something like . .
-> When walking, you come to a straight & a curved path. Which one do you walk ?
-> You see a key on the floor, do you pick it up ?
-> Then i forgot some parts.. Only know that we walked into a mansion ! x.x
-> There is a horse. What is the horse doing ?
-> There is a box. What is inside the box ?
-> Between the range of 1 - 10, rate the flow of water of the fountain.
-> What do you see when you walk behind the fountain ?
So, the first one is about whether you dare to take risks or not. :] Straight is dont really take much. Curved is take more lah. ;D I took the straight one. ^^v
Erh, easier walk lor. :B
Then second one, the key, i forgot the answer. -.=
The horse one..
LOLs !
Is how your bf is going to woo you.
I said the horse was eating grass. x.x!
Then means my bf would eat grass in order to woo me !! HAHAHAHA !
That was a nice one. :x
But sane people would also say it's eating grass what !
Mum also said it was eating grass. :x Now i know why i said that the horse is eating. -.=
But im better than XueLi, because she said the horse was giving birth !
Yah, you get the joke ? xD
Hmm, then the box one is what your husband will be giving you.
Heyy, i imagined the mansion like a haunted house.. :/
So i said
CANNOT BLAME ME HORR ! :( The test wasnt fair. x.x
That stupid PeiYee keep laughing at my answer. -.-
Fiona's was horse feed ! xDD
Come to think of it, maybe spiders wont be that bad after all. :x
The fountain is about your sex life. -.=
10 being the most hiong one.
1 being the least. ;)
I shant say my answer. xD
The thing that you see behind the fountain is the last thing you see before you die. x)
I saw the owner of the mansion.
Pro right.
Means i wont know who it is. :/
XueLi said hers was SECURITY GUARD. HAHAHAHA !
LOLs, then did another stupid one by Candace.
-> When walking in the forest, you see a house with a door, is the door open / closed?
-> You enter the house, in the middle of the room, you see a table with a bottle on top. What is the material of that bottle ? [ Glass, plastic, metal ]
-> Turn left, and enter a room. There is a box in the middle of the room. How big is the box ?
-> There are a bunch of keys. How many keys are there ?
-> You walk out, and see a horse. What colour is the horse ? [ White, black, brown ]
LOLs !
First one is how open you are to most things. :]
Opened door means you're more open to the surroundings lah. :D
I chose closed. -.-
Second is how easily your heart shatters. Glass being the easiest and metal the hardest. :/ Plastic is tough, but will leave scars.
Third is the 'size' of your pride.
Fourth is the number of close best friends you have. ;D
Fifth is the character of your bf. :D
White = Pure & caring sorta person.
Black = More wild.
Brown = Down-to-earth. ;D
I chose white. xDD
Yah, thats why i was laughing the entire day because we were joking around and laughing at each other's answers. xD
Kk, then nothing much.
Lessons flew by~
Maths results was sucky, but miraculously i passed and i have no idea why.
But lucky that time i changed the answer, or i would have really flung it with a one-digit. -.=
English was sitting with Celine.
That's the first closest interaction i had with her. ;}
I think she's quite a nice person lah. Can be talkative but shy. ^^
She makes me feel that im loud. -.-?
Bio was retarded. She returned us the paper we did and the results was sucky, still.
Celine asked me whether i was happy with the results.
Of course i wasnt ! Duh !
But what can i do even if i dont like ?
Turn back time and retake ? No, it wouldnt be possible, and fair to others.
What i should do is to mug and mug for the subject and dont think about the past. :D
Phy, went to do experiment for the electric thing.
Quite ok lah, but results were quite inconsistent.
I can finally prove my existence in science ! :D
Whyy ?!
Galvanometer = G
Now i not only have my trademark song, i even have a scientific tool to show that im IMPORTANT. xD
Thats about all.
Shall go finish off my AhmadIbrahim EMaths paper2. ^^v
Sayonara !
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