Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Yeaps. Everything was alright..
I guess.
It was damn sucky this morning.
Imagine if you wanted to study for a VERY IMPORTANT TEST,
and then you realised that the door wasnt open when you had already arrived in school !
Ok, to add it on,
the door wasnt open until 7AM !
Like what is the school doing ?
Where the hell did the aunty go ?!
Apparently, PeiYee said that the aunty got scolded by some people and became angry, hence decided to not open the door for us.
Please lah !
If you're unhappy with the job/people, then resign and give it to others !
Seriously, it wasnt the first time that this kind of thing happened.
& poor AhBoonUncle got shouted at by some rude students for opening the door late.
Wth luh !
Really hate the open & close door aunties.
Always give that buay song look.
Even if she didnt,
how can she be so irresponsible lor ?
Anyways, was crapping with the others outside class,
and saw MsNg strolling across the Quadrangle with BreadTalk plastic bag in her hands.
Then saw her talking to ShengYao.
He's finally back. :}
MsNg is so lazy lor, didnt even want to postpone the SPA for him luh !
It's damn unfair siol.
Then had Maths.
I got quite a lot of comments but i think it's better that i keep it to myself.
For the first time, i cant believe im saying this,
She talked about Astronomy and life that aligns with the stars and about our twelve senses instead of six..
Then about what, when we die, there would be a pattern in the stars that marks our souls' things.
Really interesting. :D
She talked about pyramids in Egypt as well ! ;DDD
Interesting lahh !
Hope she talks more about it. ^^
So in the end, English flew by quickly. :)
Then was Bio SPA.
Dry cobalt chloride paper.
We were trying to spot questions before the lesson,
instead of revising for the SPA.
Pro uh. -.=
But heng lor, really let us tikam tio. xD
It was ok. But i wont pin my hopes on it.
Always fails me when im looking forward to it. -.-"
Because the SPA ate into our recess for 15mins, we ate into MsFoo's lesson for 15mins.
Ok, it was a little bit off from 15mins, but still..
Crapped in canteen.
Didnt talk to them. Dont feel like talking to them.
Walked back to class, saw the many assignments and tests, and MOCK EXAM on the whiteboard ! x.x||
Means we'll be having loads of tests from next week onwards.
I guess the school has decided to use the hard way to motivate us in studying..
:/ Which is good, you know, for slackers like me. -.-
Had Chem.
Copied, shoot questions at MsTan, but in the end, she gave us the biggest clue in the SPA tomorrow.
She's one of the nicest teacher lah, though she keeps complaining and disiao-ing us.
VE, watched DeyiStar video.
LOLs, actually we any-o-how voted because it really...
Ok lets skip that part. :x
I can only disclose that i laughed alot during VE. -.=a
Phy, went through Skill3 that we did.
Made some stupid mistakes, as i said.
We're going back to school tomorrow and Thursday ! ^^v
Means those who goes back to school for Phy remedial, can dont do the Phy Elearning.
Like who wont go lah ?!
I wanted to do Elearning today, but the teachers didnt post the tasks until 12am this evening.
So, i shall just finish up my Geog ws. :/
Pray hard everything goes well tomorrow ! x.x
This is really the easiest among the SPA.
Blog tomorrow or on Thurs. :]
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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