Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sometimes i wonder what people are thinking.
Everyone's mind operates differently.
But i cant just get why teachers are always so irresponsible.
Giving a test when it was said to be next week.
& after admitting the mistake, kept to it tomorrow.
Now im totally stressed up.
Guess im just going to fail it.
& sometimes, i really wonder why people keep complaining.
Not that i dont whine or complain,
but, under certain circumstances, people dont owe us anything !
Take for example,
Elena's case.
Not that im trying to reprimand her, but it's just that,
im curious why she has to kick such a big fuss about the fact that we might not be having aircon when we take our O's.
The school doesnt owe us anything.
They happen to have aircon installed in the hall, so just give us the priviledge to enjoy it and have a better environment.
In primary school, dont we do it the same way without aircon ?
Why cant some people be grateful for the things we have and shut up ?
Why must we keep asking and chasing after better standards in life when we arent supposed to have it in the first place ?
I really hope she changes this bad attitude because it's super irritating.
Life is weird.
I guess, with different people, it makes us see the world more clearly.
In a more beautiful and ugly way.
People contribute to the appearance of the society.
Just hope that there arent anymore of these things.
How i wish i was still a baby..
Wouldnt have to think of all these stuffs and keep thinking/questioning back.
I just come up with silly ideas when i sit in the bus alone, listening to my MP3, and start letting my mind go wild, questioning everything random.
Went back to school.
MrAng gave us wrong info, so most of us reached school at 11am when the Phy remedial only starts at 12pm. -.=
So did our own revision.
Walked to bus stop.
Saw William & Fiona.
Not that im trying to be kaypoh, but it's really weird. :/
Because he walked so quickly till like he was sort of rushing to reincarnate.
At the end, we saw him with Fiona.
Now tell me, those with eyes, isnt it quite mysterious that these two are ALWAYS together. :)
Went to eat with Rach and go home.
Im going to take a 2hr nap before starting on English Elearning and revision for Deterrence and Diplomacy SS test tomorrow.
Yeaps, no doubt im going to fail it.
& yet another day is ending..
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