Friday, July 31, 2009
This has been a really loooooooooong week.
Yeaps, especially for 409.
Finally, 3 SPAs over, now just waiting to die in Prelims. ;D
Okk, so went to school, reached stairs, saw the open door aunty,
she was like so bored. -.=
Then to add on to her weirdness, she stopped when i was walking up the stairs, and only went down the stairs after i had finished climbing up. -.-"
Now isnt it totally psychotic ? :/
Anyways, Bio lesson had to do some stupid papers again.
Then was Maths.
Had a surprise Kinematics test.
Yahh, the other classes knew about it while we were the only ones in the dark. -.-||
MrHiew said he told us, but i dont recall hearing him tell us..
So it was sucky anyways.
I can only do the first question with the lack of knowledge in that chapter due to insufficient studying. -.=
SS, she postponed the test for us because we were complaining. xD
So in the end, she went through SBQ and talked tons about her life story..
& i came to a conclusion that :
If she doesnt want her money, she should kindly donate it to me. :D
I mean like, she's really wasteful lor !
Waterbottle use 1 year then want change already.
My waterbottle 2 years and still going on sia. -.=
Her stationaries also dua pai one leh.
Must buy those super ex one, and still say we use cheap pens of $2. TSK !
$2 pen can go a long way lor ! My red pen was bought in primary school and it's still alive and leaking.. :T
Hers.. Use $40+ ?!
Money too much, no place spend, then find leisure in spending it on these necessities.
Shytty lah.
She makes me feel like our life has been so cheapskate for 16 retarded years. -.-
Later had English.
Went through compre.
Phy SPA.
We were busy spotting questions, AGAIN.
They were rather confident that it would be about ____ one.
But in the end, it really took us by surprise.
I shant say anything about it because some others from 408 havent taken the exam yet. :}
Just hope that we did well in it because he remarked that 408 did it quite confidently and he marked it and ______ them. :/
During SPA, that stupid ChaoNgin who was sitting opposite of me, began to do stupid things because she was OVERLY-BORED. =.=
Guess what she did..
OMGG lah.
Ok, so maybe it wouldnt be THAT stupid until she began to blow her erasers in attempt to topple them over. -.=
I was like... trying to NOT laugh, but it failed anyway. @.@
So we were giggling and trying to keep an even face in case MrAng saw us smiling at one another and think we're cheating. :x
Yeap, so i 'lend' her my eraser and she began the process again. xD
I choked on the water that i was drinking when she suddenly did a pufferfish-mouth pattern.
Yahh, those kind like filling your mouth with air, then sucking in your cheeks, causing a depression. -.-
I choked because i laugh. I laughed because imagine looking at ChaoNgin's face, you will think that she is very serious, but she just did that retarded act and i felt it was ironic. -.=
MsTan told us to refile our SPA file.
I happily misplaced 3 SPA worksheets. -.-
Great lor.
Now im wondering where im supposed to dig out 3 exact papers to put in.
Had Maths remedial.
Began to feel drowsy. Shall explain it later.
Managed to finish the remedial worksheet again. :DD
Logarithms, you shoo lah !
Im going to conquer you ! ^^v
Then crapped with PeiYee, Fiona, Natalie and Rach.
LOLs ! I officially introduced our psycho+weird theory to the others. :D
Ok so it was a situation like :
Joshua went to sit with Natalie and began disiao-ing her.
Rach said he was psycho.
& it occured to me the theory we had.
So i said, "Rachel, means you're trying to say that Natalie is a psycho, that's why she attracted a psycho like Joshua, is it ?"
Then they still said, unlike poles attract, like poles repel. Or was it the other way round ? :/
Anyways, it was really funny lah.
Then jiu..
Went home.
Hmm, as to why i felt drowsy, it was because i suffered from insomnia AGAIN ! :D
Kudos to me, man ! ~.~
This always happens when there's going to be an important test/exam the following day, and i just couldnt catch some sleep.
It was worse yesterday because i didnt even sleep lah !
Last time, i would have slept for at most 2hr plus. This time, i think it wasnt even half an hr ! x.x
But still perked up and went to school in this state of mind. -.=
Didnt tell parents because they would start saying im placing myself under too much stress and nag me for transferring from 408 into 409. -.=
I guess i wont be doing much homework today with this brain-dead.. brain. -.-
& im off to sleep/nap in a short while.
Shytty, i wonder what would happen if O's really came. -.-
Means i dont need to sleep for 2 months ? LOLs !
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