Thursday, July 23, 2009
I shall dedicate this post no. 150 to my fellow classmates in 409, who has been quarantined/LOA, or are interested in recapping what we faced today..
If you do not have any interest in knowing, please do me this favor by clicking on the little red cross on the top right hand corner of your computer screen.
& so i shall begin..
I reached school, sat in the classroom for less than 10mins, and was being chased out by OM and the other cleaner aunties.
Why ?
I did not have a clue.
In the next 5mins, to my horror, i realised that they were going to disinfect the classroom with tons of Dettol.
Yes, what shocked me was that, they were going to clean the classroom,
& i mean the floor, chairs, tables.. EVERYTHING !,
and we were to stand outside the class and wait for them to finish.
Fiona joined me, and i told her about the fact that almost 1/4 of the class has been quarantined/on LOA.
Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.
And so, we gathered at the outside the DanceStudio and started getting all uneasy about the things that happened in the minor 24hrs.
I still cant accept what happened in 1 day..
So many things had changed..
When we moved back into the class, we changed our seating arrangement, becoming a cluster in the middle of the class. [ Since most werent here ]
VP came in and addressed us and told us to put up with all these restrictions.
Seriously, i couldnt care less.
But i know MrAng is worried about all those on LOA.
He's a nice teacher..
Had Physics.
Totally unsettling to be in a class which didnt really feel like a class.
All of a sudden, i felt that 409 had lost all of its hyperness.
We became quite down.
Overwhelmed, i would say.
WenZhen was busy being paranoid and afraid that she might have H1N1.
Fiona was quite scared because she told me she had some symptoms.
After knowing the fact that we had a confirmed case within our class,
i came to a conclusion :
It didnt matter to me.
& i really meant DIDNT MATTER.
Sometimes, when the disease is far away from you,
you would start fearing for your life.
Once it really appears before you,
all of a sudden,
you would just accept it and face it courageously.
I dont know if im really ready to face it or just trying to humor myself with it.
But after all,
i am not going to be paranoid.
However, i wouldnt say that i wont take care of my health. Being more careful than before..
I was quite looking forward to enjoy the lesson that would allow us to leave the boring 4 walls' limitation.
But that damn LOA turned everything around.
Since almost half the class wasnt here,
we formed a single group, and it wasnt fun at all..
Went through Zhonghua paper.
I was doing my own things..
MsFoo said that it would be better that we werent quarantined because HBL includes tons of homework that we have to settle.
I do believe the amount of homework we have to do, based on the information from SeeMin.
In order to avoid contact with the other students in the school,
the school management has decided to change our recess from 10.45 to 11.20,
after everyone has returned to their classes.
Ok, thats 1 incredible thing.
The next one,
we had our own 6 tables so to minimise the spread of viruses if we had one, and restrict ourselves.
Even MrNeo was so terrified by our presence.
But the foodstall Uncle was super nice.
I dont think he was even afraid of us. This shows how friendly he is..
Lastly, we had our own personalized toilets.
Think too much already.
Our toilets are the staff toilets at the ArtCorner.
Call it a priviledge..
But we didnt care because i went to the first floor canteen toilet anyways.
Then SS,
postponed the test till tomorrow because she saw how pathetic our class was.
Actually, i do feel that we're really pathetic.
Imagine, we had to go recess later than everyone, end school later than everyone, and now,
Chem SPA Skill3 practice was ok.
Wasnt that difficult, i hope.
VE, MrsChua came up and talked to us.
No comments about it.
Im lazy to think about all these retarded things when we have many others to solve.
English had an assignment.
Then we were free.
The End.
The above post are true.
If you are from 409, please understand that the state of the class is nothing other than pathetic.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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