Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I guess today is one of those extraordinary days that i would experience in my life.
Apparently, i was slacking on the exact same day, in the past 3 years. :x
So the day started normally,
just that i constipated early in the morning and had a lot of sleep the previous night.
Went to school.
They were busy talking about Chinese the moment Ethel stepped into class. I was like super wth kind of mood because, talking doesnt help, does it ?
PA system was super sucky that they changed their place where they make announcements to the corner. :/
Principal addressed us on our Chinese results.
It was rumored that we would get it at 12pm. When it was actually 9.45am. -.-
The 1hr passed really slowly.
Well actually it didnt. We were crapping and doing some bio, which wasnt very productive because i didnt really have the mood and i wanted to copy from Rach. :(
She didnt let me copy. T-T
Ok, so i was being retarded just to pass time. ;D
Example ?
Erm.. I was singing some songs with Fiona, Natalie, Rach and XiuYi. :x
Oldies lah. Actually it just 'inspired' me because the lyrics were exactly the same as the words i was saying. x.x
Hehe. Then ChaoNgin looked over to me.
So i was going,
對面的ChaoNgin看過來.. ~
LOLs ! -.-
I guess i sang quite a little too loud because Jennifer, Angeline, PeiYee and some others, including the guys,
looked over here and see what we were doing.
XiuYi even attempted to make a violin out of her fan and ruler lah. ~.~
Then, came 9.45.
The guys tried to countdown to it in order to make some nervous feeling.
But in the end, they werent accurate at all luh.
The bell rang anyway.
Headed to the hall.
Lots of people walking.
Added to nervousness.
Dammit. I wasnt so anxious yesterday.
MrChew talked quite a lot. Actually it wasnt a lot lah, just that i was especially scared so it made his talk feel very slow.
Chinese passes above national but quality of passes is lower.
MSG was 3.5, i think. :/
He said the magical words which goes,
'Teachers, you may start now.' Or something like that. :x
Then off Angel goes ! LOLs !
I was the 5th in line and suayness, that SeeMin was sitting beside me. -.=
She only adds to my inferiorness. Zzz.
Ok lor, so after seeing Fiona's expression, sort of guessed she got A.
MrChew made fun of her and i think, it freaked her out luh. -.-
So i went.
That Mario.
His first words to me were:
Like how the hell would i know what results i want to get when i have never really tried to imagine lor ?!
I was dreading this day for so long and he said that.
I was SURE he did that on purpose. x.x
Anyway, he used his stupid pen to cover my results so i couldnt see it.
In the end, he showed me.
But there werent any A1/A2/B3/C6 or whatever.
Then i still asked him where my results were.
He told me, A2.
I guess i was so shocked that i jumped up with joy. -.-a
I know lah, it was quite stupid. :/ Ruin my image.
But happy ma. I have been so damn depressed about it the day i finished the paper.
And i was sort of braced for the worst.
After signing my name, ran back to my seat, and tears came.
I guess this was the shortest time it took me to cry. :DD
I broke my personal record ! ^^v
Guess i shocked some of them because i jumped back to my spot and began tearing so quickly.
PeiYee could even describe the way my tears flowed down lah. LOLs. x.x
Could see quite a number of people in class crying too.
Some, like me, tears of joy.
While others, tears of disappointment.
This is the 2nd time i see LiXuan crying.
First time was because of Phy SPA that she felt she had screwed up.
I guess only studies can make her cry. :/
Rach was another one. Hers was of different reason which i shall not say here so as to give her privacy. :)
But she's fine now, since she's not those kind of person who really gets depressed for the entire day.
Well, at least she doesnt show it to others.
She has a strong pride, so i guess she wont want to show her true emotions in front of others again.
Today was an exception.
Now, that is the first time i really see her crying.
She's another strong girl lor. :(
Natalie was really depressed.
Seriously. Her problem is quite a dilemma that we couldnt really think of a resolution to it.
I hope she can make the decision that she thinks it's best for her..
Elena wants to retake. Perfectionist. No comments lor. She cant accept it then just go ahead. ._.
Some people were unexpected like Benjamin and William.
LOLs, not criticising but just a wow lor.
Anyways, went to double-confirm that i really got A2. -.-
I thought i was hallucinating or having an illusion ?
But yah, distinction. It's already considered good because i seriously think that i screwed up paper1.
Why ?
I did the other question which was about the Project Work instead of the other one that the others took.
I guess it might have been quite good, or it was my paper2 and oral that pulled me up.
Oral is merit. I dont ask for much. :]
After much discussion and restlessness, continued with normal schooling, which was boring lor.
I guess that 2hrs really tortured us.
Personal reflection:
I think that im born with quite good luck/buddha must be watching over me.
I cant imagine how i can score well, given this kind of quality/standard lor.
This really created a heavy burden on me.
Always always,
i would start worrying over things when i dont give my best.
Then i would realize how important it is that i seize opportunities so that i dont live in regret.
I guess, more or less, im constantly being 'helped'.
This time, it really teaches me a lesson and im not going to be lazing around. :]
Should really thank Buddha for the blessing. :D
Will never have a second similar chance, so this is just a 'scare'.
Shant commit the same mistake again.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Later after school, had SS.
It was okay, if it wasnt for the addition in competition between our class and the Sec5s.
Why must she just add in that retarded competition ?!
Does she think that it's nice to 挑撥離間?
Ok maybe not in that sense.
But seriously, she is really 唯恐天下不亂lah !
If we didnt win, the Sec5s would have been laughing at us and being smug.
How old are they lor ?!
This kind of thing also want to compete.
Do they find satisfaction in winning ?
If they do, then just work harder and try to win us in EVERY subject lah !
Talktalk. Talk cock lah.
Act beng sia. Bth de leh.
The way they talk is really immature lor. I dont think anything is funny and it's plain rude + uncivilised.
Please lah, can be more mature anot ?
Retarded competition leh..
Still want another round.
Rach & ChaoNgin took William's IPod and asked him to guess which item went missing.
Sad to say, his IPod doesnt even have a place in his heart. D:
He could even think about his pencilbox but not his IPod.
Tsktsk. -.=
Brandon could even get it right lah !
I think we should just pass it to him. :/
Went home with Rach.
Sidetrack a bit.
Saw William and Fiona again liao lor.
Always waiting for her when me and Rach are going the same way.
What does this mean ?
Normal people with common sense also know lah !
Dont need me to say it out loud right ? If not, paiseh one leh. @.@
Joshua even came up to us after seeing Fiona's arrival when me and Rach reached busstop first.
What does this mean again?
Fiona 犯桃花了wor.
Oh, and that XiuYi really makes us feel inferior lor !
She even finished preparing notes for SS and Geog for some chapters already, and has started to memorise it !
She is really preparing to step into the examination hall anytime soon. -.-"
We were like, seriously awed. x.x
Sians, zibei ar ~
What have i been doing, man ? =.=
Went out to eat with parents and aunty.
Talked quite a lot.
Made me ponder about lots of things too. :}
Even Rach asked me about something worth thinking about.
I guess she thought about quite a lot today. Given the circumstances.
Hope she's alright.
I mean, hope everyone is alright.
Steffi must cheer up too ! ;D
Must be positive and look towards the future and dont think about the past.
What's past is past.
過去已是往事,往事只能回味. ;}
Though she might not 回味 it. :x
But anyway, be happy and regain confidence ! :D
ShiPing said that her oral was bad.
She couldnt pronounce 'solicitor'.
Actually i have no idea what that means + how to pronounce it.
Just tikam-ed and asked Jethro, with Benjamin giving the explanation.
It's nice to be communicating with people that you are once close to. :D
This includes LoongGuat, of course.
Another 205 family member. ^^
We should get together someday. :D
Hmm, that's all.
Shall go and finish off some Chem in preparation for tomorrow.
Tomorrow got PE. WEEE ~ ^^v
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