Monday, July 20, 2009
OMG !!
Before i start on becoming insane,
i shall write about roughly what i HAVE to do and what i DID today.
English assignment on Marriage.. I think.
I think im going to write quite alot about that topic. xD
Hmm, but the sad case is that i forgot to take out Journal from the locker.
So yah, GREAT !
I can do what i planned.
Bio test tomorrow.
MCQ, no kick right ?
Because i forgot to add in that she mentioned,
ENTIRE book.
The sane thing i should do is to mug like hell right ?
But in actual fact, i was just slacking like it's going to be yet another ordinary day tomorrow.
Congratulations ~ Time for celebration ~
Got back EMaths Vectors test results.
I wouldnt say it was sucky, because it was beyond my expectations, but i wouldnt say that it was great as well.
Though it's considered an A2, it's really, not an A1.
So i dont think it should be something to boast about.
But i do have some grievances.
That idiot sitting in front of me in class really pisses me.
She confirm is 故意刺激 me one lah !
Damn her. $*(@!)_^%)^&
But expected lah.
What sia ?
People genius in maths one ok. Dont play play leh.
我算哪根蔥? Still dare complain.
FYI : If you dont know who i am referring to, please walk to 409 and count on the second column from the front door, the fourth table from the back.
That is the person's seat. :D
You can go there and disiao a little and see who it is.
Then there's ZhongHua EMaths paper to be completed by Wednesday and i havent even started on Paper2.
Chem paper MCQ.
I have decided to give up on that.
Erh, who says BPS' paper easy one ?
That person must be talking rubbish sia !
If easy, then our school one means no kick already lah ?
BukitPanjang EMaths paper which according to MsFoo,
is from the box which is prepared to throw the papers away ? O-O
But she kind of managed to salvage it.
You might think that she's a nice teacher and gives us the paper for revision..
I had the exact same thought. :]
Until she added that we were the only class with the paper to do.
Yah, means we're ahead of other classes in revision, if you look at the good perspective.
If not, means she seriously likes to torture us.
I have no idea why our teachers are just so psychotic to keep driving us like we're not humans.
Well, some of them said that H1N1 broke out and caused people, mostly under 19, to kena, because we were all too stressed up by studies and it's a perfect time to break down.
Now that's a good one.
But i think we would have broke down sooner or later lah.
So no difference lor.
Just depends on how well we can manage the level of stress. :/
Ok, the next subject i shall broach on is,
Yes, i know i said before that i would go and watch it in the theatre.
But, because most of my friends have watched it,
or some are just simply ignorant and dont care about it,
or too lazy,
so i didnt really go watch it, in the cinema, literally.
But i DID watch it.
Just finished it a few minutes ago.
I really have no comments about it luh.
The trailer was damn cool, i must admit.
But in the end, the ending was dammit-ly superduper saddening lah. D:
Or at the very least, disappointing.
Not to my expectations, again.
Yes, it would have been a BIG difference between the book and the movie.
However, i must say that, for a movie, the graphics are already considered quite good liao.
Magic sia !
Lovin' it.
I just hate DracoMalfoy & Bellatrix.
He is such a scaredycat lah !
Just gave in to the dark forces. -.-
See him bully HP when they were younger back then,
and look at him when he was scared out of his pants.
He's just nothing underneath the cover.
Bellatrix is the crazy ridiculous woman that killed the fatherly figure that i like,
Cant stand her bombed hair lah.
Really like medusa.
She looks so psycho when she burnt down the entire house of the Weasley's.
But HP really did look mad when he went chasing after her.
For a moment, i couldnt remember the fact that she killed Sirius, thats why he went after her.
But touching lah, i mean, he wants revenge, then the adults also chased after the kids to protect them.
For a few times, i almost wanted to cry.
Yah weird, but still..
Dumbledore died lah.
He is another fatherly figure to HP lah. D:
I mean, he has been treating HP very nicely when SeverusSnape keeps bullying him.
And he had this undying trust towards HP when almost all the evidence points to him in certain mysteries that werent solved.
Now there's a new person that HP has to avenge for.
When he overthrows Voldemort, he might be avenging for a lot of people already.
Sort of expected Voldemort to appear, but dont have him.
Only have TomRiddle.
Kiddo one not bad. Teenage one dont like. -.=
But there's that particular trait that makes both of them similar in a way..
Cant bring it to words.
I would say that the entire storyline was interesting lah.
But i really hate Severus lah.
I mean, i keep having this wish that he would, at the bottom of his heart,
still be a good man despite his nasty acts.
When he appeared, and i thought he was going to save Dumbledore, he killed him !
HP was going mad again.
He sort of hesitated when he did that vow. Maybe he was really questioning whether it was necessary to continue on.
But at least he didnt kill HP when Bellatrix wanted to injure him.
Though his reason was because Voldemort wanted him.
His character is really..
Ironic ?
But he is good in acting lah.
If he wasnt filming as a bad cast, maybe i would like him as another fatherly figure as well. ^^v
Regarding the romance that blossomed between the kiddos, i have nothing to say.
Just that im still not used to it.
Might take some time.
But touching at the end when Ginny and HP lah.
So maybe i might just like the arrangement.
But like i said,
takes time..
That's about all.
Ending was depressing lah.
Dont say already.
Next movie might be more of the action because afterall, its the final battle.
Dumbledore has prepared him for quite a lot already.
Think it's time they dueled.
But somehow i still feel that HP's magical powers arent that strong to win ?
From the observations from the fight with Snape.
If he cant even cast a proper spell, dont even think about winning Voldemort ?
Guess the only thing that helps him win is that he inherited some of Voldemort's powers and from his parents' talents ?
Read the ending already.
Though i wouldnt quite admit HP's ending, but at least, it's nice after so many years of battle with dark forces.
Alright, thats all.
Shall blog when i got the time tomorrow.
<3 HP !
*Though i still dont like the ending.
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