Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It's been a long day.
Went back to school for bio lessons. =.=
The only good news is that the bio lessons would be cancelled tomorrow and on the following Monday and Tuesday. :DD
But it was supposedly our holiday. We were supposed to relax. -.-
Anyways, she finished MolecularGenetics.
Miraculous !
So i think im going to read through the Ecology chapter.
There's going to be a project work on the impacts.. Sighh.
Im still left with so many things undone..
And im so tired of having to think about Olevels.
What am i gonna do ? D: Somebody please tell me.
there was another bad incident.
Damn MsNg. She made WenZhen cry. D:
It's like, over a thermometer issue only ? WTH luh. -.=
She became so furious that she started bringing in all her 'authorities' as a shield?
And WenZhen was super pissed, so she kept on rebutting her.
Then after that, MsNg stated an EXAMPLE
which was actually TARGETTING WENZHEN !
Might as well just say that she is talking about her lah !
Still say what, just stating example.
Anyways, WenZhen became super emotional throughout the lesson. PMS, she said.
MsNg never did apologise.
Though WenZhen apologised, she didnt really mean it. From the looks of it.
If i were her, i would have just walked out from the class..
Poor wenzhen. D:
Damn luh !
She just doesnt want to lose her face in front of the students.
So she decided to find someone to blow her temper on ?!
The moment i recall the incident,
WenZhen's expression,
MsNg's bad attitude and retard manners,
i really cant stand it.
Not to say that MsNg is a bad teacher.
But just that, shouldnt teachers have a limit ?
I dont think that if they are even senior than us, they can just take out their status and authority to surpress us.
These things are so drama.
But i guess, it's part of life's experiences.
Throughout the incident, i was thinking about how i would react if i was the one involved.
I guess i might have broke down there and then..
Or maybe just stormed off and complain to the Principal ?
But at least, im sure that i wont give in to her..
My personality has always been stubborn.
In WenZhen, i see that she has more courage than me, to not cry in front of her. :D
Anyways, everyone is siding with WenZhen.
Though she wont read my blog. xD
Shall not talk about this.
It just adds on to my headache-ing issues. =.-"
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