Friday, June 5, 2009
Great day. :D
It wasnt raining, as i expected, due to the past 2 days' morning rains.
It was a clear blue the moment i looked out my bedroom window...
Felt so nice.
Anyways, as usual, went back to school.
Just that there was time for me to walk emo-ly to school today. :]
There wasnt a single soul that i recognised when i reached school.
Just that there were lots of Juniors in DMB assembling at the foyer...
Didnt want to be the odd one out there...
So i walked to my locker and got my Bio TB. ^^
When i returned to the foyer, i was kind of glad that most of the people have reached already...
Sat there and talked with PeiYee. [ I sat on the stairs. -.= ]
Went to MPR for lesson.
We sort of lied to MsNg that we didnt have breakfast. x.x
So she went back into the staffroom to get something for us to eat. Aww.. :D
She came back with tons of goodies! ^^ YUMYUM!!
Then i took the biscuits. =x
SeeMin realised that the NutsChocolate was way past its expiry date. xD
LOLs! ~.~ Lucky she didnt just eat it..
MsNg couldnt find any resolutions.
So she just gave them chocolates. ;]
Then the lesson was damn slacky.
She just went through some of the MYpaper and filing.
The rest of the lesson, i was either eating or crapping away.~ -.-
Time flew~
And the next thing i knew, it was BREAKTIME! <3 :D
Went to BBT shop.
Well, this time there were lots of 407 people.
And i saw someone that irks Steffi loads. xD
It was quite fast, around 10mins? O-O
Unexpectedly luh..
So after we bought our food, went to minimart to buy an icecream ! ^^
So me and ChaoNgin were eating our icecream on the way back to school.
Quite unglam because i think i ate until the corners of my mouth were stained with it. -.=
After that, was Physics.
MrAng was wearing something which appeared... WAYTOOCASUAL! x.x
I think i cant adapt to his outfit. xD
Anyways, learnt new things today.
And had new homework as well. YAY! @.@
Later, went to take the THICKTHICK
stack of EMaths papers MrHiew made for us.
Well, though it's quite THICK and troublesome, im still very thankful/grateful that MrHiew went through all the trouble to make all the collections of SecSchool's papers just to let us revise. ^^
Went to BBT shop again and bought the same food. -.-
AIRCON-D! :)))))
Ok shall end here.
Going to start on abit of Phy later. ;]
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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