Friday, June 5, 2009
Just now around 7pm, went out with Steffi. :D
I was totally bored at home so i decided to go out and have a nice walk. ;]
We went to ARCADE! LOLs! -.=
Must be thinking, '都幾嵗了'.
Im not quite sure what's so fascinating about arcades, but ShiPing and Steffi seemed to be totally INTO it.
And i really mean INTO it. xD
Oh well, watched her play DrumMania.
I was like abit 暗笑ing. xD
Because she play wrong then will shake head to herself and restart.
100% hilarious. :x Oops.
Anyways, after that, walked to MRT to go Bishan.
On the way passing by S11,
met Karen and Fiona. :D
I think they met up after going home to change after English remedial? O-O
Such a coincidence. ^^
Then crapped on the way.
Actually we crapped every second, every minute. xD
She told me some interesting things that happened to her.
Such as when she dropped the BBT. :D PRO! WOO~
Chionged into MRT.
Almost late for it.
The moment we stepped in, the beeping sound was heard! :D
Then when reach J8, went to Mac to buy McFlurry! YAY!
Walked around J8 aimlessly.
I meant *roam. :x
Then that stupid STEFFI ! ROAR!!
She played around with the 'timbomb clock thingy' and hit my hand when im eating the icecream and it hit the corner of my mouth! WTH LUH!
Then i was so damn pissed. She could still laugh out.
Superduper embarrassing to be squatting there and trying to clean off the stains.
Lucky my clothes survived or mum's so going to skin me alive. -.=
That pro [ clumsy ] Steffi cannot be as pro as anybody else on Earth! :D
I tell you.
She can eat the icecream, then when trying to tear off the plastic from the cone of the icecream, happily let the icecream slide from her hands.
The icecream landed on the floor. =.="
She was struggling between whether to pick it up or just walk away. Pro lor.
Ok never mind.
Then, when she picked it up, she half-ran to the bin and wanted to throw it in.
She can run till the icecream safely havent stick to the ground,
drop onto the ground and make a patch there.
Zzz. -.=
I was like bwg like that. ~.~
Quite embarrassing.
The people were practically looking at us?!?! >.<
Then after that, saw people holding game booths at the centre.
So went down.
Helped the Steffi to take a pic of her with Monopoly.
Because she doesnt like to show her picture, we placed a picture on top of her face. :D Hiding her ugly face. ^^
I've quite abit of an issue with the edited one.
I still think the original one was wayway nicer. -.-
Well, its her rights. I cant take it from her. :/
After that, walked around again and went home. :D
Tomorrow im going to Science Centre with Rach! ^^
Cant wait for tomorrow.
Ok shall end here.
Sayonara~ ^^ Tired le.
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