Thursday, June 4, 2009
I think that im constipating recently. -.-
Not in the word sense but, kind of emotionally? LOLs! =x
Ok i think it doesnt make any difference. -.-
Was talking quite alot about constipating etc with Rach these days. xD
This proves that im not the only one constipating can?~ >.<
Fine, so i managed to pull through the 3 hours of Amaths tuition. Gosh. -.=
I couldnt believe how fast time flew when i finished my ws 19.3! x.x
It was like 2hours gone?
But surprisingly but the exponential one was easier than the trig one.
And i have always hated exponential questions?! @.@
Because all the answers are always so ugly that i dont really feel like doing it the moment i look at it.
Moreover, the way it is structured just makes my brain work extra hard, and in the end, what do i get in return?
Only for the tons of headaches the moment i recall how many questions i have attempted and how many that were actually correct. -.-
It would have been quite a miracle if i managed to finish more than 5 questions myself?
Again this shows how well i do in maths...
My tuition 'cher said that i might as well give up Amaths..
But i dont want to. D:
If i've taken it for 1 year already, why waste not taking it?
Anyways, my emaths have stabilised for the time being.
I dont accept the fact that i cant handle Amaths.
I dont want to believe that im unable to get the hang of it.
I refuse to accept the fact that i just totally suck at it.
Shall go and ask MrHiew or some classmates pro in maths about some of the questions.
Im like quite left with 4 questions.
But i havent started 19.5.
Because i knew 3 hours wouldnt be enough.
Imagine 3 hours for 2 worksheets? -.=
I just cant believe someone can do maths as professionally as me...
Ok, end here.
Going to watch tv and read some physics. :x
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