Tuesday, June 2, 2009
WEE~~ ^^v
Okks.. So i woke up quite late today? =x
Wanted to take the 7.15 bus but dammit, i missed it. =.-
It was so suay lor! I was walking to the busstop and then i saw 162 at the busstop!! ROAR!
And the next thing i know, the green man of the traffic light turned red. :D Great. So when i had the chance to catch it, because of the darn red man, i missed it. ;]
Im such a good citizen. ;D
Then was getting so frustrated and panicky while waiting for the bus.
Was practically praying that it came quickly?! WTH.
I dont think i prayed that hard during exams. Godd. -.="
So hengheng i reached school at around 7.45 or 55, when most people were there already. :D
I guess it might be blessing in disguise that i actually missed the bus.
If not i might have been the only one wandering about at the Foyer with nothing to do but wait. =x
Im tired of being the one always having to wait for others...
So, MrSoon started lessons after we took our own tables and chairs from another class.
Then it was quite noisy, because there were alot of people talking at the same time.
I must say im quite reminded of the days in 205 when everyone talks almost in every lesson.
When nobody talks, it does in fact feel weird.
Ever since sec3, im used to the entire class remaining quiet when the lesson is going on...
You can say it's good... The environment was actually part of the reason why i chose to go appeal into 309 instead of remaining in 308. =x
But im not really missing the sec1 and 2 days, i guess.
At least now, we do crap and talk loads of rubbish when it's the correct time. :P
Teachers did say that they totally love to teach us. ^^
But i think there's still a certain 偏心 to us because after all, we are the top class. If we talk too much, teachers would often give us chances and not blow their top.
If you talk in those other normal classes, they might just scold at the slightest noise. Dont you think so? =x
Ok, i think i've gone too far.
Anyways, the lesson was quite interesting. xD
I kind of caught abit of the Integration's skills. But not that pro though. Need more practice.
I must thank SeaweedQueen for teaching me a few things. :D
Natalie was being quite funny. xD
Oh well, time really flies during maths lessons, i must say.
Though it was rather fast, i still enjoyed MrHiew's lessons because he really doesnt give me time to check my watch and see what time it is.
I guess if everyone was being more quiet, MrSoon might have gone at the same speed as MrHiew, though he did admit that he was awestruck by MrHiew's ability to teach the entire concept in 1.5hrs.
Then after maths, had half an hour of break.
Didnt really talk to Rebby, nor SeeMin, nor LiXuan.
Is it because our relationships is breaking?
Im not sure of it myself...
I seldom talk to Rebby nowadays. I would always see SeeMin and LiXuan talking to her. But i wont be talking to her..
I guess because she keeps to herself and talks when people starts talking to her.
She's quite quiet. =x
Im not those who really walks-to-others-and-start-talking type.
Will only start crapping when someone starts. xD Eg. Rach,Steffi,ChaoNgin,Fiona etc..
Mostly those 209 ones.
I guess they arent really those crappy type of people like me? >.<"
But it sure is strange because i wasnt that crappy in Primary school. ~.~
I was quite 大小姐脾氣 one. xD
Oh gosh, i dragged it too far again. -.-
Had SS with MrsChew, our new teacher. D: Miss MsChua. T-T
Then she did some introductions about herself, and taught abit of SS. Though not really much, i must say.
So, she droned on and on~
Until the cows came home. :D LOLs just kiddin. =x
She ended lessons at 12pm because she said wanted to let us off earlier. YAYs to her!
I guess she's not that bad as i thought of her when she came to guide us in art club. =x
-Changing impression towards her-
Went to AMKHub after that. Ate the hotdogs with Rach. :D And im officially poked again! x.x
Spent $10 in two days luh! OMG! =.="
Must start saving money le. I no more backup money siol. T-T
Then after that went home lor.
Supposed to have tuition but when i reached home, it was 1+ and teacher said to have tuition at 2pm, like wth?!
So i bathed and it was around 1.30. =x
Might as well skip tuition. :D So tuition is postponed to tomorrow 5.30. YAY!
But there's Prelim Oral tomorrow. x.x I wonder if i can make it in time. =x
Gosh, hope everything goes well for me tomorrow. xD
Im not really planning to do any revision today because there's nothing to study for oral! Tell me what to study for. -.=
Ok, most people arent online today. So emo now. D:
They're having oral today while 409 will be having theirs tomorrow. T-T Including me, sad to say. =x
Fine, i shall not blog anymore. Today's post is quite long uh. =x
Must have too much emotions liao.
Shall go and think of some chimchim words so can put it to good use tomorrow. :D
Must impress MsKarasiv. T-T Hope she 高擡貴手 dont fail me. =x Or i jump building. @.@
-> It is said that he would smile when someone says a word wrongly.
Means he is 暗笑ing. =x So all must care. xD
Should i be glad that im under MsKarasiv? =x
Later she suddenly do her 'handsignal' then i laugh jiu hoseh liao. :D
Ok, shall not talk more. -.= Im so naggy today.
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