Sunday, June 7, 2009
Photo1 : LOLs. :x It was supposed to be a carbon [ sort of ] structure. But i guess the colour of the display was the thing that amazed us. xD So we just, took a picture! :D Wanted to make it spooky. But i think it wasnt really that obvious, though.
Photo2 : *Taken in the DAMN high-tech magical forest. Actually it's just all made of metal. =.- But the overall design is fascinating. :D ANDAND! It changes colour!! :D That's why when it turned blue, i immediately took out the camera and started snapping pics. xD
Photo3 : The background is abit different. But it's still at the same place. :D
Photo4 : The floor of the forest. Nice uh. x.x It was supposed to be part blue part purple. But i think my camera too laoya already. =/ It wasnt really able to capture the difference in colour. T-T *Sadded. But at least it was very nice. ^^
Photo5 : We took this at the technology section. O-O It was an indoor 2nd storey. :D There werent many people as most were on the first. :P So we quickly take a picture. Fyi: We're actually trying to act dumb and sticking our tongues out. But it ended up like that... -.-"
Photo6 : This is at the Virus section. ^^ Rach's trying to be a teacher! :D That's the virus thing there. :x
Photo7 : Ok, LOLs! -.- This is the same place, the virus one. It's a small house. The same place we took Rach's teaching picture. :D
Photo8 : HAHA! xD Fyi: That's Rach under the nose. ~.~ I told her to go underneath because there was abit of an effect. xD It's amazing though. There were lights inside the nose, if you were to look underneath it! O-O Too bad, there were too many people around and i didnt dare to risk taking pics in public. -.- *Werent supposed to take pics in ScienceCentre. Zzz...
Photo9 : Kekex. This is interesting. xD I wanted her to stuff her head in. But she didnt want to. D: Anyways, its still hilarious. ^^v
Photo10 : OK! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE ME! -.- I mean, really! D: At first it was Rach standing there! Then in the end i couldnt get the picture right. -.= So she went to take the pic instead. @.@ Good lor, become im the one digging the ear. Zzz..
Photo11 : This is the inside of the mirror glass thing. O-O I took it because my camera lens just nicely fit into the eyehole! :DD PRO HOR?! ^^ Then underneath you can see an eye there. =/ Stupid Rach told me to put my eye there then she take. xD LOLs, kind of spooky. ~.~
Photo12 : ROBOTICS! :D THAT'S WALL-E!! :)) OMG luh. Was quite happy seeing it there. Rach happily help me take a pic with him. ^^
Photo13 : This is the overall look of the magical forest i mentioned earlier on. :] Nice uh. Told you so. ^^ And somemore blue in colour siol ! :D Loveit~ <3
Photo14 : Ok, that's the forest when it turned green. When Rach saw it turn green, she went a little :x mad. xD Then told me to hurry take picture.
Photo15 : I have no idea where this is taken at. -.-a
Photo16 : THISTHIS! ARGGHH!! This is damndamnNICE i tell you! :D It's above the magical forest. We took the mini-lift. At first we thought like why got lift. Then we follow the people go take. xD Then when we walk out, we saw the floor!! OMG! When you walk, like there is a square box that follows and lots of colours. :DD Is so prettyyy!! >.< As you can see, in attempt to capture the brilliant colours, i ran and my stance became kind of awkward. Yahh. -.-
Photo17 : Now that's Rach. :D Erm, the pic was supposed to be clear. But i was laughing so... -.= But at least the floor was nice! ^^v YAY! We took a VERY LONG TIME before most of the people walked off, leaving the two of us. xD It's very embarrassing to be taking pics in public. Seriously. -.=
Photo18 : RACHEL WENT TOTALLY MAD HERE! @.@ She was like OMG so many mirrors! Quick take! xD Lols luh. So, its just something where you put your body/head in then can see lots of mirrors, top, side, bottom. The front is a screen of some information. Useless. We were only noticing the mirrors. ;x
Photo19 : That's the bottom view.
Photo20 : And the top view~
Photo21 : Taken at the EcoGarden! :D Was supposed to see the small bridge thingy at the back. D: But i guess we sort of missed it. xD
Photo22 : A small bridge across the small pond. :D
Photo23 : That's you-know-who. ;]
Photo24 : LASTPICTURE! :D This is the overview, well sort of =/ , of the garden. TOLD YA IT WAS NICE! :D
Well, thats all.
We didnt take photos of the treehouse. :x But it wasnt really that nice.
So, i dont think it would matter much whether we took it or not. :]
Slacked around as usual. xD
Then finished up my Physics wb! YAYs. :D
Though there were quite a number of blanks, im still happy that i made the effort to spend time on it. ^^
Then now slacking, as you can see. =/
At first wanted to finish AMaths 19.5 de.. But in the end, i was stuck at 1st question already?! >.<
So i decided to give up and wait for tuition before i attempt the impossible mission. :)
Im still working on my english assignment. D:
Aww man, the review is so troublesome. -.-
I dont even know what i like and what the director changed?! =.=
I only watched the movie halfway before i decided that the entire movie had been cut way too short. =x
Oh well, shall watch TV and do it at the same time.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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