Friday, December 28, 2007
Hi hi again! So long never write blog post le. Hmmm.. As you guessed it, Mapling again. xD
Ok, well, leveled to 84 2 days ago and currently on the way to 85. Estimated tomorrow I'll be level 85. Hee hee! Can't wait because I'm finally going to max my Ice Strike and pump 1 extra point into Thunderspear. Though I actually wanted to add Meditation, I think Thunderspear would be much more fun. Since there is Element Amplification, Meditation, is not really that important already. =x
So, went to explore again with Steffi yesterday and went to the Dead Mine. We really zhao si sia. LOL! Then we went deeper into the Dead Mine and fought along the way. Quite easy to kill though. And we reached this map halfway, and it seemed like the same map as Red Slimes' one. And THEN! We saw a Cerebes 'strolling' on the path. -.- It looks big and I attempted to hit it but, as it was too far, it failed. =.= Then we returned to town and headed back to Ludi.
Went to Japan and visited Lucida. Was hitting happily away and I though the bottom of the map seemed kind of big, so I wanted to jump down and ice all the Lucidas. But on second thought, I was afraid there might be something more pro down there, so I climbed down instead. -.- And there was this huge big blue mushmom there. ZZZZ!!
I quickly called Steffi to come and take a look. It looked cuter than Orange Mushmom but more deadly. I purposely bang it and 1.6k dmg. -.- I only hit it near 2k. And it hit me so much. 2 hits and I could die. I guess, it is as pro as Gatekeeper.
And thus our adventure ended there. Steffi went to open shop and nothing was sold. -.- I want to open too! But I'm waiting to be level 88 before I sell off my level 70+ equips. :D Save money ma!
Eating noodles now. Not nice de. Myojo one.. Can't compare to Maggi but, the normal noodles, Myojo wins. ^_^ I want watch Peter Pan again. So, bye!
Update when I feel like it. ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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