Monday, December 24, 2007
O.o I didn't even notice 4th aunt changing Handphone. Lol! Just found out yesterday when she was charging her phone and there was this beam of green light that caught my eye. Ha ha! It was a Sony Ericsson de. Doesn't look bad.
Dad changed phone too! He got the Samsung Z240 de. Mum said that the salesperson told them that it was considerably the quite latest de. Although it was 6 months ago. xD But at least better than my current one. Not sure when it came out. =.=
Dad's phone is cool. So flat and stylo, though there were some scratches liao.
Anyways, played Maple a moment ago. Went to look for Reb and she said she died again because her sis wanted her to accompany her to train at Soul Teddy, I think. Duh! I go there also 50% might die liao. She don't die also very hard lor! Then trained at Buffy and suddenly both sisters dced out and never came back. Wondered what happened. O.O
Went to train till 55% and stopped. Shopped around for a cape. Saw many pros wearing Adventurer Cape and now I know why liao! Partly is because level 85 and 90+ de cape all very hard to find. And a good Adventurer cape adds a lot of Magic Attack or Weapon Attack, depending on which colour. Used the owl to find the Purple one because it adds Magic Attack. Saw the cheapest one sold at 6m. Stats are not too bad. Though I don't really know to differentiate which is good or bad, I still think it's quite ok. ^_^
Called Steffi and asked her if I should buy or not. She said can la. Then she added that she wanted to buy one too. No wonder those Adventurer capes sold at FMs are all so costly and expensive! Even level 100+ pros wear it. Ha ha.. Looks like cape problem is solved! Now just need to find that damn shoe. -.-"
There goes my 6m flying away. Just earned 10m recently and I'm spending it in just 1 second. Zzz.. But I earn so fast, so no worries! :D
Later going out to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks! They are SOOOOOO cute lah! Feel like squeezing them. Lol! Want to go eat later at the basement and fill my stomach full before entering the cinema. xD
Oh! And going to buy A-Cash at Comics Connection, if possible. Want a Snowmen as my 1st 'husband'. Bunny and Yeti shall be my 2nd 'husband's. xP LOL! Then snowmen marry with Steffi's Penguin! Lol.. We are relatives liao.
Well buying cash also have to buy Gacha de ticket. Steffi said she wants me to play Gacha with her. We're going to try the one at the Spa. It looks different from the rest of the Gacha Machines so, let's just hope we get something nice! Sekali I get an Adventurer Cape. xD
Ok, don't talk liao. Need to get ready for the 'outing' later. Bye! ;)
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