Saturday, November 17, 2007
Yet another ordinary day...
Well, played Maple as usual and train, train and train. Went to do quests etc after training..It's quite boring playing alone so, did those really boring quests. One of it was 'Maya's Concern'. Needed like 50 holy water, 20 leatty furballs and 20 cold eye tails! Gosh! I mean like, it's so far away to get that Leatty furball. Lucky I have that Teleport Rock! (: It saved the day!
Finished that 1st concern and there was another one coming up..Stupid! You need to travel all the way back to Orbis again to get that wings of the Flyeye.. -.- So decided not to do quests anymore.
Went into cash shop and like, 'window-shopped' around and tried on many clothes. Finally chose all my 'wished' equipments. They all add up to 28k! OMG! That is like so expensive lor.. If I'm really gonna buy it then, need to start saving up already.
But then I need to buy the Birthday presents for Rebecca and Xue Qi!! =.=" Where do I get so much money lor? I'm still going to KBox for 2 times next week!! This is bad, man! Well, at least Rebby's going to buy me a birthday present in advance!
I was so touched when Elena gave me the present she made herself. It's the second time that my friends remember my birthday after like, 4 or 5 years! I feel like crying.. Lol.. Then Rebecca also remembered my birthday. I think it's because my birthday is the same as her other friend. Anyways, just wanted to say, THANKS GUYS!! =) Love you all for giving me such memorable presents! Ha ha..
Ok, that's all..Bye! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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