Saturday, October 2, 2010
When there's nothing going on, i complain that it's too boring.
When there're things happening, i'm whining that it's too much for me to comprehend and for my brain to process.
So i'm not sure if i prefer my life to be a 'lil more boring and a wee bit happening.
Whatever the case, i'm having too much conclusions about different things each day that it's reaching into infinity.
I think i'm gonna be senile when i'm old, what with all these constant thinkings.
Should stop torturing my brain..
Just like when i try to pave and think how i'm going to walk the muddy path ahead, i realise there's nothing much i can do.
I don't have much resolve to the problems, so it's more or less like coming up with solutions of clearing the mud as i proceed on which is a total waste of efforts.
But i still do, that's the dumbest thing.
Anyway, it's just a continuous cycle that goes on and on.
Monday's coming too quickly i don't even know how to react.
I should just go meditate in the temple and try to gain enlightenment.
It's quite depressing to know that i'm only left with 2weeks.
Once school starts, i guess i'll be back to the stoning phase.
It's time i became a bit more independent and stop trying to find people to rely on.
Frankly speaking, i'm not exactly looking forward to it.
Lectures and tutorials i can survive. Projects are like piling dealth penalties, sentencing me to death again and again.
I'm afraid i'd just break down one day, and jump off the platform.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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