Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Went to watch AFTERSHOCK with Shiping. :D
Okay, for those of you who are much slower, it's a movie about 唐山大地震 that happened in the 1970s.
A wonderful movie that's inspiring, touching, sad & just freaking nice.
"感触良多" to be guaranteed after the movie. (:
Yeaps, 感触 so much that i've no idea where to begin. Well, you'll have to find out for yourself. ;)
Bought a $4 earpiece.
I would have been happier if the stupid thing stayed in position.
Damn, i feel quite duped again. Sucky rubber. Keeps sliding out of my ear. -.-
Just when i felt glad that the sound quality wasn't too bad, this has to happen. Man, things always goes against me.
& Artbox replaced Action City, omfg ! :O
How long have i not gone to J8 ?! -.-ZZ
Well, at least now i wouldn't have to go to AMK to look at pretty stuffs. :P
It actually has even more things that AMK offers lah, so happy. ;}
Ohyeah, i should never stop into Comics Connection, ever again.
I'll only spend more money than save up. -.-
So i announce that my 省钱大计划 is a failure.
People think that they're having a tough life, when there's someone else out there, that's having it even harder.
We always see ourselves, but never others.
Compare ourselves with people better, but never those who are worst-off.
Must admit that i fail to see people that are more unlucky than me. I've always been asking for more things, and getting upset when i don't.
Some don't even get to ask for things. I should be contented.
But i guess, it's like a-part-of-being-human thing.
Time to continue memorising MOB. At 12am, i mean.
I wanna slack a little longer. :P
Besides, it's quite shocking i can really really memorise the chapters at the front.
Well, that's the purpose of memorising, isn't it ? I mean, what's the point in memorising when nothing goes into your head. -.-
Okay, i'm getting rather tired just from blogging.
Let's hope i have a sane mind to memorise another 10page chapter later on.
& i'm so freaking glad i'm a good and organised student. T-T
At least i wouldn't be busy running around trying to find the stack of notes we need in order to pass the exams.
I love me. LOL.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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