Sunday, October 11, 2009
Aww man, i slacked again. D:
I only did like..
The geog paper..
1 EMaths paper..
Bio Section B..
OMG ! =.=
Never mind, im going back to school for consultation + study tomorrow. :D
Shall be doing much much more things than this weekend.
Anyways, was watching D-Gray just for fun on the tv.
Yes, and im like, wow because im totally awed by the big sized Earl and how he could be so agile by jumping around.
My god, his such a sight to behold. xDD
Super shuai lor. :(
& im going to marry an anime character next time. :D
This episode was super touching lah.
So i almost cried while watching and doing maths. =.="
Hmm, that's all lah.
Im not going to be much productive today.
Just going to brainstorm for another EL essay before i hand it in to MrsGruber tomorrow. ^^
Had a talk with Ahma this afternoon.
Talked about my future, if i had one. :/
Im still wondering what course i should go in Poly, if i manage to pass my EL. :D
Either im going to end up in Business, or im going into technology, which i dont really have much interest for, speaking frankly. :x
Shyt lah.
So many things to think of, and yet so little time.
Just now was chatting with Jie and she asked me when exams were.
I thought it was around 20+, so i replied 22.
When i checked my desktop clock, to my duper horror,
it's already 11th october !
Seriously, i was shocked out of my.. Whatever. :/
But im like stunned and i really rushed to my file and checked the Entry Proof.
Im slacking, yes i know.
I promised myself that im going to memorise Geog this weekend.
But i delayed myself and the best i could do was finish the worksheet.
Shytty !
Ok lah, is i asked mum to bring me go cut because i realised today, when i was trying to tie my hair to start studying,
that it was kind of thick that made my rubber band running out of place. :/
Maybe im going to cut my fringe, and of course, layer hair again.
It was gone. D:
Mum said it was easier for her to wait for me to ask her to pei me to cut my hair. :D
Tongue-twisting uh. ^^
That's all.
I miss my friends. D:
Im insane ! DD:
& i decided to list out the name of my class and friends in Deyi in commemoration of them. :D
Im going to write how i feel, personally about them lah. But it's going to have to wait till after exams. ^^
Wait for it if you want. If you're afraid that i hate you and wish to be kept in the dark about my opinion of you, please dont come. :D
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