Friday, October 9, 2009
Ok lah, i meant that schooldays are over, now im going to chiong for the final lap. ;]
School was super fun/interesting, i suppose.
Though we didnt do much during the lessons before recess, we were super restless already.
Probably because of the fact that school for us is over. :D
MrAng was suan-ing people as usual.
& he said he would miss me. D:
Aww, i WAS super touched if not for the fact that he added something behind :
Im so damn skinny that he remembers my existence when a breeze comes.
OK LOR ! -.=
But at least, im better than Fiona who is more
Class was dismissed early by MrAng because he said :
Since it's the last day, anything also can lah.
LOLs. Sometimes i wonder what kind of teacher is he. -.-
Anyways, the entire class went down for recess because they said they wanted to have some final bonding time. O-O
Yah, so it was super SHIOK to see that the canteen was empty and we were the first to arrive. :DD
Yes, ever since i was admitted to 409,
we're always the last to go for recess. We never get first for that. :/
Ate lor.
Took some pictures which should be updated soon. :}
OMG luh, he gave 50bucks and bought drinks for the entire class seh.
So touched. T-T
We went to buy drinks in register no. so as not to create too much confusion. =.=
Yeaps, i said that it sounded more like a food ration than buying drinks.
Anyways, went back to class with the drinks in our hand.
That's the first time we walk up without fear of being caught by DMs. :/
Just afraid that MrAng would be notified about our bad behaviours since he is so nice to us. :/
&& because we did the 'yumseng' thingy too loudly, MrGoh was scolding us. -.-
I have no idea how, but Jordon and Brandon started debating on who was more handsome. =.=
LOLs, in the end, Brandon asked LiXuan and for the first time, i must applaud for LiXuan because her answer was super good ! :D
Erh, i was being honest and not trying to suan them or anything.
I mean like, how can you compare one another so openly ?
It just sounds bhb luh. :x
Moreover, also not SUPER shuai, so still got the face to say so loudly. ~.~
But the definition of shuai is different in the hearts of everyone lah.
You cant just fix a certain degree of looks and say that that is the most definite form of handsome-ness, right ?
If that's so, then the entire world would be in chaos because certain people like this may exist, and causing commotion.
Anyways, Elena also said the best thing that i've heard from her for the past.. Dont know how many years. :P
See lah, even Elena this kind of person also finds nobody in the class charming enough. xDD
Continued doing maths~
EL was boring.
SS was ok.
She began talking about her life stories again.
But then, i felt that it made much sense.
Because, if i were her, i would also do the same thing by complaining.
They dont call us complainers for nothing. :x
And i bet 100% CONFIRM *TAH STAMP* my mum would do the exact same thing by scolding the irresponsible person back. :)
I support her as well, because this is their fault. Not ours, so why should we be the ones paying and losing out just because they made a stupid mistake ?
Haha, looks like we've something in common. :/
So sometimes, it's not that we dont want to trust people so easily.
It's because of the existence of certain people, that makes the world seem more complicated.
By making it easier, we just have to be independent.
Hence, i can only say that in the schooling years, it's the only time where you can find true friends that are willing to help you, as well as be by your side no matter what.
I guess it's due to the fact that we arent exposed to society yet. So we dont know how they work.
You can call it pure. :}
After school, the guys started fooling around.
& since i find it rather weird, and yet funny, in a sense, i shant post it here.
I think some people have taken a video of what they had done, so if you're interested, you can go there and look for it. ;D
LOLs lah, ShengYao even said that he felt like he was giving birth. -.-"
YES, so you can guess what psychotic thing they were doing. :/
But then again, if we could let them learn the pain that we have to go through, then i wont mind encouraging such activities, though i think it might end up becoming a daily programme. =.=
In conclusion :
Everyone is horny-er today. =.=
Asked MsFoo the EMaths questions which i had problems with.
Then waited for Rach to finish asking Fiona.
While waiting, we took some stupid idiotic and random pictures. ._.
Then went to listen to MsFoo and the others who were gossiping.
Yes, it's common for girls to gossip, but i shall emphasize that William was there, talking about some psychotic things again.
So it made it worst. =.-
But then, must really agree with him that there's no certain standards for a bf or gf.
I mean like, the standards that you set, doesnt mean that you will find one similar to what you expect.
And mostly, it's the feelings between both parties.
So, even though i can state lots of things i would want in my bf, it would never come true.
Because :
1. These guys are already extinct, and even if they do, they're already our fathers. x.x"
2. I prefer not to step within this area.
3. It's complicated. :]
Therefore, however much i can say, even if i do find one in maybe, millions of years later, it wouldnt be what i expect.
So why bother thinking ? :DD
What has to come, will come eventually.
I'll be waiting for it. ;}
Went home afterwards.
Left last because everyone left already. :(
So going to miss the classroom, the teachers, maybe for 1mth, and many other great memories. :D
Now is the time for us to show those angmoh markers, our intelligence ! ^^v
- Going to eat dinner and start doing some work lo~
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