Sunday, August 16, 2009
I realised that im becoming more and more 'pig', in a sense.
Yah, why pig ?
Because i can lie on the bed and doze off even when it's only 8+ in the evening.
& still, i forgot to do my own homework.
Now, how great is that ?
I could have blogged on Friday.
But due to my laziness,
i dragged it till Sunday.
Ok, so what happened on Friday... ? -.=
Ohh, we had AMaths Mock Exam.
3 hr paper instead of the original 2.5 that we were told.
The paper is...
No comments lor.
I dont really comment on maths papers because it doesnt really make much a difference to me, in the end.
The only thing i can say is that,
it was super irritating to have to listen to the people speaking through the PA system and do maths.
Imagine if you were doing some seriously tough brain-triggering maths questions and all of a sudden, you have to endure the tons of music and noise the people are making in the Quadrangle.
To add it on, the music was National Anthem, for goodness sake.
Not that i oppose or anything, it just felt plain weird.
Anyways, it really was quite irritating because i just couldnt really concentrate.
Oh well, my results arent going to change or be affected with the increase in noise from my surrounding eventually.
I guess our class has experienced the Leadership HandOver ceremony before others.
At the end of the exam, it was the same as what happened during the EMaths mock.
Yeaps, super sticky and disturbingly stuffy in the class.
Must be our perspiration from doing the questions and evaporating indoors. Hence, causing our class to be SO STUFFY.
So i practically ran home to bathe.
Yahh, so mostly, i slacked during Friday night and slacked yesterday when i was supposed to start revising Bio and prepare for Phy.
But i went out.
Ok, so that ends everything. -.-
I wouldnt say that i didnt do anything because i DID have tuition and managed to complete 5 questions. :D
& she still wanted me to finish 7 questions in 1 and a half hrs, giving me the GanEngSeng paper.
At the beginning, i already told her that it was MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.
There, i proved it to her. ;}
Oh well..
Im currently slacking, as you can see.
Why ?
Because the thought of having to start revising for Bio makes my head 2x bigger than normal its size.
And im wondering what kind of retardedly weird questions shes going to give us tomorrow.
From the inference of her weird behaviours and strange manners,
im not having a good feeling about it.
Guess i shall go hit the food and start revising immediately after eating.
Else, im sure to be sleeping before i even know it myself.
O's chinese results this Wednesday. Great.