Saturday, July 18, 2009
I just cant understand why some people cant just say what they feel.
Cant they say it straight and stop beating around the bush ?!
It's not like im being unreasonable and im forcing them to do what i want.
Isnt it a very basic logic that if you want to go,
then just say yes.
If not, then just decline.
Why must you act as if i didnt message you and dont even bother giving me a reply ?!
This is so damn irritating, do you know that ?!
I hate those people who just wont reply when they do not feel like doing similar things but dont even have the guts to say it out loud.
Maybe they dont even have guts !
Fk off.
I wont ask you EVER again.
This is my last tolerance for your behaviour.
Sometimes im not the one that is being unfriendly and uncaring.
Yes, i may be in the wrong sometimes,
but arent you also partly to be blamed ?
Let's face it.
Say it nicely, and it would be that you're trying not to hurt my feelings.
Say it worst, you're just plain RUDE.
I just cant stand these kind of people..
There is always a limit to tolerance.
Dont test mine.
Because you're going to regret it, and im sure you know that yourself.
That will be my last message to you, requesting that you accompany me.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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