Friday, July 17, 2009
Everything has been fixed.
Everything would be resolved.
An ordinary day for everyone,
an exceptional day for us.
I wouldnt say that today was a very boring day,
because i laughed alot in class.
And mind you,
i meant,
Okay, let's start from the beginning of the day.
Had bio and she gave us a set of CatholicHigh papers to do.
And after attempting the questions,
i came to a conclusion that :
I am so not going to step into the examination hall with this kind of knowledge.
i must emphasize on the point that the questions i referred to was merely,
Ok fine, i know im stupid can ?
But like, the entire class was basically asking one another and discussing on which answer was more accurate.
After that was AMaths Integration test.
According to Rayna,
408 said that the test was REALLY basic.
Which in other words, meant that it was super easy lah. :D
According to WenZhen,
406 said that the test was SUPER DIFFICULT.-.=
So yah,
i was like wth.
Because both sources differ from one another by heaven and earth apart !
Then i decided to just give up and let heaven decide my fate. -.=a
In the end,
the test was surprisingly ok !
I couldnt really believe it lah.
But at the very least, i can attempt the questions and finished it in 30mins when we were given 50mins.
Im not really sure whether the answers are correct, but there should be working marks awarded. ^^
There's something i should rejoice about.. :P
Slave-driver MrsChew gave us SBQ test.
And called index numbers to give her the papers to critic.
8, 18, 28.
Suay lor.
8 : Fiona
18 : Rachel
28 : Rebecca [ But she good, MrsChew didnt have time to use hers. -.-" ]
& i realised that Brandon's index number was 38. :DD
Yahh, for non-chinese, you might not get the joke.
But for those chinese, just say 3-8 in mandarin and you will understand. ^^v
I screamed at LiXuan because i was damn pissed.
Actually not scream at her, just shouted at the top of my lungs, not into her face, but towards the back of the classroom. :x
I know im a brat, kayy.
Just that i cant control my temper sometimes.
Im not really those kind of blurblur people like LiXuan, so im more sensitive to things.
If people tend to see my character from the good point-of-view,
they refer it as sensitive to environment.
If you want to hate me,
say that im bad-tempered.
Anyways, it was my wrong in shouting but still..
Nobody ever understands me. Not even my parents..
English lesson, did groupwork on the writing of essay.
Supposedly, Angeline, ChaoNgin and I were forming a group.
But MrsGruber wanted a group of 4, so Angeline left for Jennifer's group.
Leaving me and ChaoNgin lor.
Then still need people,
so guess who joined our group ? :]
OMG you must be kidding me. -.=
ChaoNgin didnt realise until she said,
'Erh, got William leh.'
Then i was like,
Let me do the explanation.
As you all know, 衆所周知,
William is super-duper psycho. :/
So if he comes, it would mean havoc.
And as i predicted.
We crapped and he became psycho again.
Come to think of it, he has always been psychotic. -.=
Jordon was busy entertaining himself with magic and Tammy coming up with all the ideas.
So me and ChaoNgin were practically slacking and crapping with Jordon and William.
& i really cant stand William because he actually HARASSED my WATERBOTTLE !
I cant believe it lah.
Im going to use soap and detergent to wash it for 5hours. -.=
Ok, back to the subject..
We crapped,
Jordon acted like a kid and kept pulling my sleeves. -.-"
William was.... No comments. ~.~
ChaoNgin kept giggling at their retardedness and i was busy crapping with them.
Yah but eventually,
we managed to finish our assigned task hor ! :T
William is an extra.
Buy Tammy + Jordon = Free Gift William.
So when MrsGruber asked us to label ourselves 1 - 4.
1 : Jordon
2 : Me
3 : Tammy
4 : ChaoNgin
William didnt have any positions. :D
Then when MrsGruber said label ourselves as 1 - 5,
he was the only one standing and zi-highing that he was number5.
Weirdo. -.=
We were like laughing because he was,
at the end of the day,
still an extra. :D
Kay, after that was Phy.
Did Phy Skill3.
I cant do SPA with my current standard.
Then had Maths Remedial.
Went to eat with Angeline, Jennifer and Joshua.
Then went back to school.
Wanted to sleep during remedial,
and made so many careless mistakes in the simplest,
b^2-4ac questions ?!
Wth luh !
But i survived the ordeal. xD
Decided to give up the chance of going to Rebby's house for tennis.
1. I didnt want to walk all the way to AMK just to play 1hr of tennis.
2. I dont like to walk alone because it's so depressing and emo-ish.
3. I already felt pangseh-ed. So there was really no point going.
4. I am already dead from the remedial.
5. I was hungry. xDD
The above reasons gave me sufficient logic to not go there and be a retard. -.=
Went home with Fiona and William.
Suan-ed him on the way.
Cant blame us hor.
Just couldnt stand him and MrsChiam. :/
He said some very bhb things which i do not wish to recollect. -.-
Then i missed the damn 162 !!
F5555 !
I could hear Fiona and William laughing behind me lor !
In the end that damn William still dare laugh and tease me. -.-
He die liao. :D
I told Fiona to help me settle him. ^^
Originally i wanted to go take a nap, as i told Joshua.
But in the end, i didnt and went to play comp. :x
But not CrazyPlanets. xD
He finds satisfaction in bombing the robots. xD
He was telling Jethro how interesting it was lor. xD
Then Natalie saw my phone and she was like, OMG.
LOLs, i mean i changed it so long ago liao.. :/
Then she saw KimBum and called him BUMMY !
OMG lah, you must be joking right ?!
He so shuai, call him bummy.
Then Joshua went to take my phone..
Played the pipe game,
and became fascinated by it.
LOLs ! O-O
Even Jethro was commenting that it was nicer than the one he played.
Cant believe it..
Yahh, thats about all the lame things that happened.
I cant believe how many crappy things i did in sec3 and sec4 lor.
I mean, i crap since sec2, but not that much.
It's getting worse. -.-
According to Rachel, who heard from XiuYi,
i should be half-Scorpio ? O-O
Not entirely Sagittarius.
Which means,
my first impression to others is very scary,
but will change after they get to know me better.
And i think it really is. O-O
I remember that time in sec3,
some people was saying that they couldnt believe i was like, that,
when im such a small-sized person. xD
As the chinese saying goes,人不可貌相,海水不可斗量.
Anyways, looking back in sec3 and sec4,
i realised though i didnt really do much studying,
my life was fulfilling. :D
To be entirely colourful each day because i have friends around me that craps with me. ^^
I dont crap with Rebby, SeeMin and LiXuan.
Theirs are considered as cold jokes. xD
Hmm.. Long post.
Shall go off now.
Ciaos !
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