Monday, July 13, 2009
Long day, i guess..
What happened ?
I have no idea. -.=
today changed seating arrangement again.
To the exam format according to index number.
Damn hate it lor,
like im waywayWAYYYYYY at the back lah !
Then LiXuan, Rebby they all,
so damn far away.
We're heaven and earth apart.
Shytty luh.
But at least there are 2 crappers behind and in front of me.
So yah, it might not be that bad afterall.
Chinese lessons were boring, as usual.
It has never been interesting. =.=
Then there was Geog.
MrGoh was quite crabby today.
I dont know.
He gave me that kind of feeling. :x
Boring lesson.
Later was Maths.
MsFoo went throught Vectors worksheet.
i still dont quite get some of the answers.
But i must admit that if i can even finish the first section,
it's already considered quite a miracle already.
Then got English.
Did groupwork on MrSannie ! :D
Me, Rebby, SeeMin & Angeline practically crapped while doing the project.
Trying to summarise the article, but in the end,
we crapped and everything didnt really make sense.
Like we were trying to say how much MrSannie inspired us
and we could link it to the development of Singapore and allowing Singapore to prosper further.
How amazing was that ?
So i was being quite hyper during that period.
And i kind of died during Bio because she was so damn boring.
Not to make it sound so mean, but really,
she didnt even do anything lor !
So yah, what to do ?
Slack lah ! Stuupid ! ;D
1 period nia.
Not really much time to slack luh.
Then released us at 1245pm because of Chinese Oral.
I shall just skip the Oral part because that really doesnt make me happy upon mentioning.
Everything was average.
Dont keep my hopes high.
LOLs !
Doesnt really suit in this case, but im quite having this kind of feeling.
Oh well, dont think about it.
CHEER UP ! :D <~ To myself. :P
then after Oral,
went to Library and slack.
Enjoyed some aircon.
Heyy ! We deserved it lor. xD
its still quite deep in my mind.
That moment when the 3 teachers walked down the corridor in unison,
and i was saying to the guys and girls which were there,
that at that very precise moment,
we should play those kind of entrance music and welcome them.
Bet if anyone saw it, they would totally 100% agree.
went home.
Talked to MrKwok. <~ Is his name spelled like that ? -.-a
Aiyahh heck luh.
Crapped abit with him and MsTan.
& i have to say that William is beyond hope.
He is already mentally unstable and i have come upon the conclusion that he shall be an eternal PSYCHO!
Nobody can be as psycho as him lah.
Not even Rach, can !
Even MsTan was left with no comments.
Dont talk about Fiona.
She was totally disturbed by his words. xD
Ok, thats about all.
just for the fact that i just installed my new printer.
Now i really really dont have to bother anybody already. ^^
Tomorrow is a brand new day.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow.
Im not really looking forward to school already.
Must be exam phobias.
101 days to Olevels and counting.
Jy to all Sec4s & especially Niners&My Closest Friends. ^^
Dont need to mention the names of the friends.
They should know who they are already.
Kk, thats all.
Tata for now !
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