Thursday, November 15, 2007
Woot~~ Managed to chiong to 35% just now.. Took 2 hours just to train 5%? Isn't that too long? But what can I do? I can't chiong too fast at Robots ma..Haiz..
Anyways, still very happy that I reached my daily target..XD Ha ha ha.. Oh, I need to buy that Water Of Life and Yeti's Pepe!! Almost forgot about that..-.- Saw a new prepaid card which is in sale now at all 7-eleven stores.. 20k de. Is the picture of Yeti and Pepe. O.o They look cute in the Christmas design.. Wish to buy it but..What's the price?? Let's just think about it first. =)
Ok, that's all for today. May or may not update tonight. :D
Bye bye! (:
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