Monday, March 14, 2011
Accompanied the JC people to NUS openhouse yesterday.
Actually i was quite turned off when i realised we had to meet up at Dover station for the shuttle bus. As if i needed more reminders that i'll be heading back once school reopens.
Seriously though, i had no idea what hit me and made me go down there either. It's not like i'm so smart i'll skip year2 and enter year3 immediately.
Probably just by looking at the JC students preparing for their final year, it makes me feel like it's not too early to start planning for the future. At least i'd be a little more aware about what's lying ahead and get a glimpse of it.
NUS isn't exactly my dream school. None of the universities are. It's just on the top of my list because, well, it's NUS. I think i wouldn't be too particular about my choice if it revolved around NTU and SMU either. But that'll still have to depend on my results which sadly, isn't out and even more unfortunately, isn't up to the mark. I didn't even make it to the 10th percentile on their business degrees. Total cui-ness.
Okay so despite being a little disheartened, it's not too late to start working my way up although i'm sure people from other parts of the country would be working doubly hard for that small number of seats open for polytechnic students.
天生我材必有用. I'll find my place somehow.
And yes, after looking at that line of "Macro & International Economics" under one of their modules, i've decided that i shall be a little more expectant towards the future and hope that i keep this mood till the end of the 3years..
And followed by a exciting piece of news from my friend, omg. Me loveszx her.
So if everything goes well during the supposed training tomorrow, i'll be employed. Yay !
Initially i was rather hesitant because i was more or less fixed in the unemployed mood but i thought i should just make myself useful rather than lazing around at home with a book in hand.
Now i'm feeling pretty glad i made that decision. At least i've got someone i know to accompany me on and off work.
However reluctant i may be, i've to admit that poly education actually seems rather useful. I know this sounds like crap because everyone before me concluded that poly exists to prepare you for the society so naturally, it's supposed to be close to real-world situations. But being the usual joker, i still prefer to experience it for myself before coming to a statement. Call it being a natural born risk-taker. HAH. Anyways, certain current issues and scenarios are beginning to remind me of things i learnt throughout the past year, which means that i actually did make an effort to remember/sustain what i memorised blindly long enough.
I know i sound as though i'm writing a novel or you're just freaking out because you thought someone with a much higher english vocabulary book "possessed" me. but it's the english books making an impact on me. An absolutely normal occurrence which happens everytime i go near books. Truth be told, i like that. Although sadly the vocabularies stays temporarily before i switch back to the "Syllables commonly used by Singaporeans" once i stopped reading for too long.
Which is why i like reading. FINE, I'M A GEEK OKAY. Pfft.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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