Saturday, February 19, 2011

What my archive looks like generally.
Happy 1000days to SHINee ! Fighting !
Saturday, February 19, 2011

What my archive looks like generally.
Happy 1000days to SHINee ! Fighting !
Just an Ordinary girl ♥
♥ CHERYL - (:
I'm an authentic Earthling.
& that's all about me. (;
Removed ; I'll live better without it. (;
Stars under the same Sky
4o9`o9 Blog Angel Benjamin ChaoNgin ChingHui Celia Celine Clara Elaine Esther Ethel YoeRhey HuiYee JunJie Korin LiXuan LoongGuat Mico Pamela PeiYee Steffi ShiHui ShiPing SeeMin XiaoQing XiuYi
Let bygones be bygones
今 わ わかってる。I was wrong. I think i can finally under... Hi econs notes, why are you so thick-skinned ?Alth... Maybe it's time i begin to worry about my choices ... In celebration of the end of projects and presenta... I wonder if i'm efficient or that i'm just assumin... For some unknown reasons, i feel particularly deta... It's ironic how some girls go around saying how ha... The highly anticipated CNY holiday has ended for 2... Since i'm feeling magnanimous and benevolent, i sh... It's the long-awaited Chinese New Year !Although i...
Take A Bow
Layout designed by Eunice. Color codes from Colourlovers and Color Picker Tool. Banner's base image can be found at we heart it.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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