Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anyway life's been good. 0% sarcasm, i mean it from the bottom of my heart.
The so-called interview was a breeze because it seemed more like an interaction session. Well, that's partly thanks to the guy killing the awkwardness for us. Saves our trouble too.
Now all we've to hope for is that he gets back to us and we start work next Monday.
And then there's the attire problem.
Which is followed by the worries of going blind from sitting infront of the computer keying in all those tedious numbers and words. Screw it.
It's like real accountant work without the debit and credit. And so i should be thankful i DID NOT choose accountancy. I must be in the wrong state of mind if i did.
Technically, it's a pretty easy job. Literally OL style since i always wanted to try something like that when i was a kid.
You would've thought it was fun but after the mini test of typing the serial numbers, i'm beginning to have second thoughts. Nonetheless, still quite easy money.
Before we move on to the working phase, it's time to enjoy life first.
Let's hope i play hard and work even harder.
Ohyes almost forgot, i've only about 2weeks to celebrate/enjoy before results are released.
Don't you wonder if those people are retarded or retarded. Why would you want to be reminded of your results ?
As if receiving the SMS early in the morning couldn't kill you enough. They had to back it up with solid evidence of mailing you the information when there're things called "emails".
I guess they think for those who're anxious to know how well they flunked their papers, like me, so i guess they're taking full-round preparations like that.
My brain has been too free these days because i'm having headaches. Or maybe it's just because i'm sleeping too late so all the heatiness is getting to me again.
But whichever the case, i shall turn in earlier tonight and hope that i'll be fine tomorrow.
Maybe i should treat the headaches more seriously. Like considering to make my brain work and process more resourceful information rather than stuffs like what to eat for lunch.
I'm sucha no-lifer these days it sucks to be around me. Wait, it sucks to even bore myself out.
Hokay that's all, CIAOSU.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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