Saturday, March 12, 2011
Fuck this piece of shyt. Thanks for ruining my mood completely.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Fuck this piece of shyt. Thanks for ruining my mood completely.
Just an Ordinary girl ♥
♥ CHERYL - (:
I'm an authentic Earthling.
& that's all about me. (;
Removed ; I'll live better without it. (;
Stars under the same Sky
4o9`o9 Blog Angel Benjamin ChaoNgin ChingHui Celia Celine Clara Elaine Esther Ethel YoeRhey HuiYee JunJie Korin LiXuan LoongGuat Mico Pamela PeiYee Steffi ShiHui ShiPing SeeMin XiaoQing XiuYi
Let bygones be bygones
One moment it was total peace. The next, it's abso... After centuries, we finally went down to the Botan... Exactly like what i always say.Anyway life's been ... It's been almost a week since school holidays comm... Some people just like to attempt to be someone the... I guess the ending of year one and the pre-start o... FOM, i'm trying my best to love you, so please do ... Hi, let's go see the northern lights and pretty ni... What my archive looks like generally.Happy 1000day... 今 わ わかってる。I was wrong. I think i can finally under...
Take A Bow
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Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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