Monday, June 15, 2009
Im imagining too much. =x
I overslept today ? -.=
Then was supposed to meet the others in library at 10am.
But i woke at 10 instead. Zzz.
Must have been too tired.
Busy me. :D
Anyways, it was heng that i chipped in and did something for the group lah.
I never slack hor ! =/
Then after finished the project in 1hr,
we started studying.
I didnt know we were going to do abit of homework there ? -.-
So i didnt bring anything luh. =x
Lucky LiXuan got the Bio 10yrs theory for me to do. To kill time. ;D
I only managed to finish question 1a. :D
Pro me. xD
Oh well. I shall go do now.
Have started reading DaVinciCode.
OMG LUH ! x.x
I cant put it down already.
Shitshitshit. =x
Off to work !
Shall go out with Mum later. ^^v
Hope she dont keep nagging when she returns. -.=a
Ciaos. ._.
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