Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This post is to vent my anger. =/
Like, why cant you just tell me you cannot make it this week ?
Supposedly, you were going to give me an answer during Sunday ?!
What day is it today ?
Your promise is so broken..
I know that you have your beloved now.
But isnt this a bit too much ?
Now i truly understand what 重色輕友.
How can you just do that ?
Im not really mad at cancelling the entire trip.
Just that, i hate those who cant keep to their promises.
You said it yourself, but you couldnt do it.
So why say it in the first place ?!
To humour me ?
Think im a little girl that can be manipulated by you ?
As and when you like it ?
Im not those whom you summon and send me away like a dog.
So everything was a lie..
I guess during that time, you were quite bored because he wasnt with you..
So it really is like this.
Yah, congratulations to you.
I've totally lost my trust, faith, and respect to you.
Unless you can really understand how i feel,
im not really in the mood to talk to you.
I guess you wont read this post.
Im not really anticipating for you to read it,
nor hoping that you wouldnt read it.
Read it if you like.
This is what i feel.
This is my blog.
Like it or hate it,
suck it up.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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