Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Kudos to me ! xD
Well, though i couldnt really catch up to some parts of the book,
i must still say that it was a very interesting book,
a worth-reading book. ^^v
Lots about Catholics..
Lots about LeonardoDaVinci..
But all in all,
had tuition earlier on.
Im starting on the 10 papers that MrHiew gave us for revision. :D
I have only started on 6 questions, leaving so many more !! :DD
Feel proud of myself. =.-
Thats why i said holidays werent enough.
Either you play and slack and do nothing,
or you studystudy&study till mad without play. =/
For people like me,
it's confirm play one lah ! x.x
The day i set aside all my entertainment and stare at studies,
would be the day im admitted to WoodBridge.
Ok, tuition was rather pissed.
The damn sine & cosine curve practically drove me up the walls. -.=a
Well the comforting thing is that,
But 'cher said she's going to check on my progress next week.
Shyt luh.
Die liao. =/
Planning to go pool with Shiping and the 2Ks. xD
Wonder if they'll go or not.
Nobody can have such wonderful cousin relations as us. :x
Shall ask them tonight..
Tomorrow have to go back to school and listen to the AYG briefing thingy.
Why did i even sign up in the first place ? @.@
Never mind.
I might be stuck at home the entire day anyway.
Might as well go out and take in some music. xD
Going to start on SS in awhile.
Offline-ing soon.
And i still cant believe that im teaching a... OLDER person to write a resume. -.= [ Jie dont come find me. F3 ]
Seriously cant believe uhh.
Doesnt the school teach the method ? =x
I mean, she's older than me, higher education level,
yet she's asking a junior this kind of thing. -.=a
Anyways, made her laugh like hell.
I dont really understand what's so funny,
but at least,
if it makes her laugh then never mind lo. ;)
i shall pray that the health&hygiene department hire her. xD
At the very least,
she has some experience.
Right, jie ? xD
So here is the conversation :
Her : I dunno how write my resume.
Sheesh. =="
Me : LOLs ?
Going work ?
Her : Yahh..
I need go find a job.
Me : Your school never teach how write ? O-O
Her : No lor ! ><
Me : Mine got leh. Somemore this year. -.=
Her : All my friends also write on their own.
Me : Erm..
Is like,
Name :
Contact :
Address :
Email :
Her : Yah, personal info.
Then ?
Me : Then,
type why you want to apply for the job
like if i want be toilet cleaner,
say :
i feel that it's very fulfilling to clean after people's bowels. :D
then forward forward,
Her : Need to write all those societies i joined right ? O-O
Me : O-O If it's regarding the job you want to apply.
Like if you joined the toilet-cleaning society,
then can write. :]
Her : Shoot la.. I laugh like mad now..
LOLs !
Thats about it luh.
I dont really know why she laughs,
because i wasnt really laughing while typing it. -.=
It just popped out somehow and i typed it lor.
I guess im a born-crapper. :D
Im not crabby patty !
Im not steffi. -.="
Ok, that's all uh.
Shall off now and head off to start work. ^^
On back tonight,
i manage to complete all the assignments.
Pray that at least i can finish off SS.
Still need prepare for the damn damn test lah.
Damn MrsChew ! !>.<
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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