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I do what i want
and i do it with my very own way
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stuckinsg93 forever. Fml, IB is like the only international course that's not going international at all. Even going to nearby countries takes so much effort to plan.
Plan until totally no mood to go + so ex, kns think we all rich kids meh.
Okay, poly life is getting on my nerves again.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

This is like the first time in my entire life that i'm actually receiving a certificate of actual worth.
Okay, not that all the previous academic acknowledgements are insufficient, but everyone just receives theirs regardless. So this time round was a little more special.
Just hoping that i can keep the grades up and get myself somewhere nice 2years later.

Went to my friend's choir concert at the Esplanade. Frankly that's another first time for me.
The first time i'm going to some artistic and overly high-class theatres that obviously does not complement with me.
The first time i'm buying roses for someone.
And the first time someone specifically requested for me to buy flowers for them. Bhb max.
But i guess that might be the last time i'm attending such events. I think i almost fell asleep if not on account that i was afraid my friend would strangle me if i was seen dozing off at the front rows.
I miss the craps though.

So it's like almost an official month since school commenced and i'm beginning, or rather, dying under the stacks of tutorials and projects.
I can't believe i actually chose to have my argumentative done next week when the forum and politics test are also on the same days.
The only good thing out of this hasty arrangement is perhaps that after next week, i'll be free from all projects and just be left to fight with tutorials.
1. GBE summary not started. Editing grammar is under my list as well.
2. CRS discussion not happening until next week thanks to tight schedules.
3. IR preparation only done with chapter1 and the remaining 3 rotting at the back of my brain.
Conclusion : I'm not working this weekend.

There's pretty much nothing to look forward to in school as usual. At most it'll be the jokes and complaining with my friends.
Honestly though, i'm quite excited about the trip to do CIP at IMH. Yes IMH, if you're dumb enough not to know what's that, it's aka Woodbridge.
Don't know why i'm anticipating it when i should be worrying whether i'd agitate the people and worsen their condition. Or maybe they'll just think i should stay in there for eternity.
But i think that'll be a good experience. I mean, not many people gets to see what's inside for themselves. Usually they'd all be deterred on the mention of these people with special needs.
Kay me so tired today because me woke up at freaking 8am to memorise IR so me shall go sleep now and edit grammars tomorrow since the complicated partner hasn't sent me the report.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Suddenly feeling so fucking glad i didn't transfer class last year. I bet i wouldn't fit in in the first place. Plus some people just annoy the shyt out of me. Like seriously, why don't they get it.
Anyway, i'm just hoping that year2 and 3 flies as fast as possible so i can graduate and leave the school and start afresh in a university or somewhere that i can make use of my knowledge. But definitely away from those people from my course. Except for close friends of mine.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Taken outdoors on the way to Starbucks.
The entire trip was much relaxing although not 100% entertaining. But what can i expect from going with a group of adults, like seriously.
I like it there.
Sadly, i've to come home and it's like happiness and sadness combined. Heading home means it's time to return to my boring life that consists of studying and studying and nothing else besides studying.
Nevertheless, hope to go back there someday. Probably with my friends. At least there would be greater communication and understanding. Or rather, we could do something crazier than under parental supervision.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fuck, this is so fucking cui ttm i wanna explode can they just bang wall and die and release us from their torture so we don't have to clear their saikang although it appears as if they're the ones doing the saikang.
I feel so duped in this course i hope i would have at least something to miss about schooling days after i graduate. If not, it's just a pity i spent 3years with a bunch of jerks.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fml, the friggin' umbrella took forever to close i had to get a nice-looking stranger to help me close it and i was almost late for lessons on the first day of school, double fml.
Nb the mrt keeps getting delayed for no reason. Kns most annoying thing is i was literally stuck at JE and it's only 5mins more before i reach school.
I don't exactly have a good impression of FM even though it's just the first lesson. It's like stats + theories = disaster.
GBE might be rather hopeful since the groupings are, THANK 观音妈, arranged individually. I like that guy lah, so nice. Bad memories from DBE so i'll see how things progress later on. Freaking notes costs $7. I need to make like 80calls to earn that money back sia.
Law was.... very law-ish. Actually i kinda like it. I mean the arguments are rather intriguing just that i wouldn't be so sure when we've to memorise the stuffs. Even the tutor said international law is the toughest, omfg we're dead because the teacher said so.
Anyways, i can't believe i'm year2, the first day of school ended, and we're gonna go back and have like 4hrs of 3 different lectures.

But i did realise, why do all the year1s, or year1-look-alike/people with year1 aura, like to keep looking at people. People walk, they look. People queue up, they look. People talk, they look. People eat, they also look. Where's our privacy ?
& it's fun to see how everyone's dressing like it's a fashion show. I'll bet after a few weeks, they'd all be in SP shirts.

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